Centre d'investissement de la FAO
Technical Validation Workshop on Investment Guidelines for Youth in Agri-food Systems in Africa
Améliorer l’accès à la mécanisation agricole durable
©FAO/Sumy Sadurni
The Uganda Development Bank (UDB), a national public bank, is boosting its agri-food lending portfolio via the joint European Union...
©FAO/Luis Tato
Selon le Réseau de prévention des crises alimentaires, 18,6 millions de personnes, un chiffre record, ont actuellement besoin d’aide alimentaire...
©FAO/Anne Mottet
Millions of people in the Sahel depend on pastoral systems for their food and livelihoods. That is why developing the...
Drones, satellites, geographic information systems, weather stations, and advanced analytics are some of the most promising technologies for providing solutions...
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