Инвестиционный центр ФАО
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Ответственное и широкомасштабное инвестирование в развитие оросительных систем имеет огромное значение для решения целого ряда предусмотренных Повесткой дня в области...
NASA / Lauren Dauphin
More than 4,000 satellites currently circle the Earth, capturing an enormous amount of data that can benefit agriculture – everything...
A'Melody Lee / World Bank (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0), Public Domain (CC0)
Digital technologies are making food supply chains faster, more efficient and greener.
Pixabay CC0, UNIDO (CC BY 2.0)
Motivated by consumer demand and public opinion, companies are increasingly embracing the triple bottom line of people, the planet and...
©FAO/David Mansell-Moullin
The pace of digital disruption over the last two decades has been breathtaking, transforming every sector of the global economy,...
Leaders of FAO and the New Development Bank meet in Shanghai, China