Plateforme de Connaissances sur les Chaînes de Valeur Alimentaires Durables

Innovations in Rural and Agriculture Finance


This document describes initiatives to improve the access of small farmers to financial services. These initiatives are grouped into four thematic areas: the description of the realities of smallholder activities in developing countries; the use of modern communication technologies to overcome the constraints of distance and information; risk management at farm and household level; and the consolidation of financial services with non-financial services to overcome the multiple barriers that most smallholders faced.

Pays: Non-country specific
Produits: Non-Commodity specific
Thèmes: Value chain finance
Auteur (personne): Renate Kloeppinger-Todd ; Manohar Sharma
Éditeur: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) ; The World Bank (WB)
Type: Discussion
Format: Document
Références (Télécharger): EN FR
Ressources externs (Télécharger):