Plataforma de Conocimientos sobre las Cadenas de Valor Alimentarias Sostenibles

The Water Footprint Assessment Manual - Setting the Global Standard


The manual contains a complete, consistent and up-to-date overview of the method of water footprint assessment. This report offers such a manual. It covers a comprehensive set of methods for water footprint accounting. It shows how water footprints can be calculated for individual processes and products, as well as for consumers, nations and businesses. Besides, the report includes methods for water footprint sustainability assessment and a library of water footprint response options.

País: Non-country specific
Productos básicos: Non-Commodity specific
Formato: Water footprint
Autor: Arjen Y. Hoekstra, Ashok K. Chapagain, Maite M. Aldaya, Mesfin M. Mekonnen
Editorial: Earthscan
Tipo: Discussion, Tool
Formato: Document
Referencias (Descargar): EN
Recursos externos (Descargar):