Plataforma de Conocimientos sobre las Cadenas de Valor Alimentarias Sostenibles

A Field Manual for Subsector Practitioners - Tools for Microenterprise Programs: Nonfinancial Assistance Section


This technical note explains how to carry out sub-sector analyses and identify cost-effective ways of enhancing the productivity and competitiveness of microenterprises. Especially its detailed presentation on how to map value chains is relevant.

País: Non-country specific
Productos básicos: Non-Commodity specific
Formato: Value chain mapping in general
Autor: Steven J. Haggblade, Matthew S. Gamser
Organización autora: Growth and Equity through Microenterprise Investments and Institutions (GEMINI)
Editorial: The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Tipo: Tool
Formato: Document
Referencias (Descargar): EN
Recursos externos (Descargar):