Plataforma de Conocimientos sobre las Cadenas de Valor Alimentarias Sostenibles

Trade Policies and Sustainable Development in the Context of Global Value Chains


Global value chains (GVCs) have become a major feature of the 21st century economy. This paper argues that the expansion and increased sophistication of GVCs has created a new “trade-investment-services-technology nexus.” The nexus involves not only the movement of final goods but also that of intermediates, capital, ideas, data, and services. This paper surveys the types of trade and trade-related policies that are the most relevant to support the development of country participation and upgrading in GVCs. It also explores the implications these policies may have for GVCs to contribute to sustainable development

País: Non-country specific
Productos básicos: Non-Commodity specific
Formato: End-market analysis, Value chain upgrading in general
Organización autora: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)
Editorial: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)
Tipo: Discussion
Formato: Document
Referencias (Descargar): EN
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