ICT tools to revive Central America’s cocoa sector
Although the origins of chocolate lie in Central America, over 70 percent of cacao production now occurs in West Africa. With such industry potential, farmers in El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua partnered with Lutheran World Relief, ZOTO, Guittard Chocolate, Catholic Relief Services and SNV to boost marketability through an interactive mapping tool to classify cacao flavors in the region. This tool can be a huge asset for specialty chocolate buyers and can increase profitability of local cacao farmers, who will have the potential to produce better cacao attributes at higher market prices for a specialized market. Read more.
Langue: English
The News Thème de l'élément d'actualité:
Pays: El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua
Pays: El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua
Produits: Cocoa
Thèmes: Profitability, Wealth accumulation, Value chain upgrading in general, Farm/firm-level upgrading