Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Re-inventing forestry agencies – experiences of institutional restructuring in Asia and the Pacific

Author(s) Durst, P., Brown, C., Broadhead, J., Suzuki, R., Leslie, R. & Inoguchi, A.
Year of publication 2008
To effectively respond to changing needs, forest agencies must ask themselves: What are the objectives of re-invention? How can others’ experiences be used? Is re-invention through a gradual, evolutionary approach preferable to “big bang” reform? Can fundamental and superfluous institutional changes be distinguished? Can hijacking of “re-invention” by vested interests be avoided? These and many other questions appear essential for re-invention to have a significant chance of success and much effort is also required in retaining momentum once the process is underway. This publication is a compilation of nine case studies of forestry re-inventing processes in countries and institutions around the Asia–Pacific region. Analysis reveals some clear factors determining the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of forestry institutions, and outlines commonalities and differences in the trajectories followed by different countries in responding to calls for change. The analysis further identifies major trends related to forest management including the devolution of powers and responsibilities to a range of actors and recognition of the multiple functions of forests and the conflicts that may arise between these functions. A trend towards separation of regulatory and strategic roles from implementation functions — and corresponding restructuring of agencies and redirection of funds — is clearly evidenced. This publication is intended to offer insights into the approaches and rationales that have supported restructuring and re-invention of forestry agencies. Through comparative analysis, the publication offers recommendations on national forestry institutional structures, functions, and strategies that appropriately respond to the rapidly changing environment surrounding forests and forestry.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book sourcebook journal article…)
Asia Pacific
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function