Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Forest Law Enforcement

The Forest Law Enforcement Module is targeted at stakeholders in all the sectors involved in forest governance, particularly the enforcement of forest laws and regulations. The module provides basic and more detailed information on the main requirements for good forest law enforcement and governance, such as institutional capacity, intelligence, international cooperation and judicial action.

The module also provides links to tools and case studies to foster effective forest law enforcement.

Boscolo, M., Brack, D. & Tacconi, L. 2003. National and International Policies to Control Illegal Forest Activities. CIFOR.

European Forest Institute. Fighting illegal logging: FLEGT voluntary partnership agreements. Online video clip. Youtube, 13 January 2012.

European Forest Institute. Fighting illegal logging: the new EU regulation. Online video clip. Youtube, 13 January 2012.

European Forest Institute. Illegal logging: the problem. Online video clip. Youtube, 12 January 2012. 

Smith, J., Colán, V.,  Sabogal, C. & Snook, L. 2006. Por qué las reformas políticas no logran mejorar las prácticas de aprovechamiento forestal? Administración pública y códigos de conducta en el Perú. CIFOR, Jakarta.

Sundari Akella, A. & Cannon, J.B. 2004. Strengthening the Weakest Links. Strategies for Improving the Enforcement of Environmental Laws Globally. Center for Conservation and Government at Conservation International.