Updated modules on “Forest Restoration” and “Management of Planted Forests”

The SFM Toolbox modules on “Forest Restoration” and “Management of Planted Forests” have been completely revamped with updated information, new tools and cases for practitioners, policymakers, students and other stakeholders.
The Forest Restoration module complements a related but separate module on Forest and Landscape Restoration, which deals with restoration not only of forest cover at a particular site, but rather in the context of the landscape as a whole including all land uses and the people in it. The Forest Restoration module therefore focuses on providing information on the planning, management and monitoring of forest restoration at the site level considering its environmental and social context. The module presents the guiding principles in depth, with specific references to a range of tools and cases across ecological zones.
The Management of Planted Forests Module provides information on good practices for the establishment and management of planted forests. It can be seen as dealing principally with the silviculture of planted forests beginning where the module on Forest Reproductive Material stops. It is complemented by the modules on Wood Harvesting, Wood Energy, Forest Pests, Agroforestry, and Forest-based Enterprises. The module includes guidance from site selection and choice of planting material through planting and tending.