The Programme was originally designed to address the unforeseen and urgent needs that were not being addressed efficiently through more traditional channels of aid or regular programme activities, agreed upon through FAO’s biennial planning processes. In 2005, the FAO Governing Bodies decided to change the unprogrammed nature of the TCP. The funding criteria were adjusted to require all projects to be aligned with the Strategic Framework of FAO and linked to agreed priorities reflected in the Country Programming Frameworks (CPF). In making these adjustments, it was emphasized that all assistance would continue to be demand driven by Member Countries, not FAO.
Today, all new CPFs are derived from the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks (UNSDCF). As TCP resources are being allocated in support of achieving CPF Outputs and Outcomes a direct contribution to SDG Targets and Indicators is achieved.
The TCP provides two broad types of support:
- Development assistance to address areas related to FAO’s mandate and competencies that are covered by the Strategic Framework and the CPF; and
- Emergency assistance to support early action, response and early rehabilitation in disaster or crisis situations.
The TCP appropriation for the 2024-2025 biennium amounts to USD 141.3 million, i.e. 14 percent of FAO’s Regular Programme budget. Funds for emergency projects (15 percent of total) and inter-regional projects (3 percent of total) are managed from headquarters, while the bulk of resources (82 percent of total) is allocated and managed by Regional Offices, in line with shares established by Governing Bodies.
A TCP project can have a budget of up to USD 500 000 and should be completed within 24 months. Simplified procedures apply to projects with a budget of below USD 100 000, also referred to as the TCP Facility, which are typically limited in scope (e.g. specialized training, conduct of sector-related studies or assistance in the formulation of project proposals for donor funding).

Eligibility for TCP Assistance
All FAO member countries can request TCP development assistance, with special attention given to Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries (LIFDCs), Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) and/or Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
Middle-income economies can receive TCP funding on a grant basis, with activities focused on providing technical expertise and developing capacity. High-income economies can access TCP funding on a cost-recovery basis only.
All FAO member countries are eligible for TCP emergency assistance on a full-grant basis.
TCP project criteria
To be eligible for TCP funding, all project proposals must meet the TCP criteria set by FAO's Governing Bodies. In particular, TCP projects must:
Align with national priorities and FAO’s mandate
TCP assistance is aligned to FAO’s Strategic Framework and the Country Programming Frameworks (CPFs). All new CPFs are now directly derived from the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks (UNSDCF). UNSDCF Outcomes and Outputs relevant to FAO work, as well as related SDG Targets and Indicators, are copied verbatim into the CPF. The Annualized Resources Matrix of the CPF captures how TCP resources are being allocated in support of achieving CPF Outputs and Outcomes and, in turn, SDG Targets and Indicators. TCP assistance at subregional, regional and interregional level is aligned to the Strategic Framework and based on requests from or priorities defined by the Regional Conference, (sub)regional organizations or a group of countries. Linkages to the CPFs and emerging priorities of participating countries are also of relevance in the selection of projects.
Address a critical gap
TCP assistance aims to fill a gap in one of the technical domains in which FAO has a recognized competence and comparative advantage that cannot be provided more effectively by others.
ensure sustainable impacts.
TCP projects lead to concrete and tangible outputs, which should lead to a broader impact.
TCP assistance should be used as a catalyst for change, as well as a tool to attract funding from resource partners or to enter into co-financing arrangements. The project document should indicate how counterparts intend to follow up activities to ensure sustainability and impact.
build government commitment.
Requests for TCP assistance are signed to ensure the government's full commitment.
At implementation stage, the government nominates a national project coordinator to manage the project and coordinate activities, in collaboration with FAO, at no cost to the project.