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Promoting responsible and inclusive land governance through MSP in Sierra Leone

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Promoting responsible and inclusive land governance through MSP in Sierra Leone

Circle of love

In a technical workshop from 5 to 7 March 2024, in Makeni, Sierra Leone, stakeholders and coordinators of the District Multi-Stakeholder Platforms (DMSP) defined a common vision to ensure their goal for inclusive, peaceful and sustainable land governance.

The workshop - organized by FAO, Partnerships2030, Land for Life and Green Scenery Sierra Leone - successfully achieved its objective of reinforcing the governance of the DMSP, through a sound stakeholder analysis, the development of a common vision and platform specific workplans. A total of 36 participants (out of which 30% were women) from 6 districts gathered in Makeni. Priority areas where DMSP could play a significant contribution, such as promoting alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, supporting the implementation of the new land laws, and climate change, were identified.

The DMSP promote an inclusive, right-based decision-making process on land management at the district level, a gap that was identified in the enacted National Land Commission. The aim is to leverage the political powers of the decentralized district-level stakeholders for prompt response to land-related issues, to promote the rights of customary landowners and to strengthen local-level tenure security, among others. Several DMSP have been operational for over 2 years, some recent..

“Why do we work in an MSP?”

Why are multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs), such as DMSP important for implementing land governance topics and achieving sustainability goals such as the SDGs? DMSP bring together organizations from different areas to jointly develop solutions to the challenges of land governance in their districts. The DMSP includes representatives of land, agriculture, and food security-related institutions, traditional leaders, landowners, investment entities, women’s organizations, and media. Collaborations such as MSPs thus remain an essential tool in this area, and is likely to be used even more in the future in Sierra Leone’s districts.