Urban Food Actions Platform

Social network analysis for territorial assessment and mapping of food security and nutrition systems (FSNS): a methodological approach

Author: FAO
Publisher: FAO

Evidence shows that food insecurity, poverty and geographic disparities in developing countries are strongly correlated. The proposed methodology aims to capture the spatial dimension of food insecurity, shed light on how food systems work and understand what determines food security and nutrition levels in a given space and time. It proposes an analytical framework to conduct a comprehensive, participatory and integrated assessment of Food Security and Nutrition Systems (FSNS) patterns focusing on three broad categories of exchanges determining food landscapes (i.e., mobility of people, goods, and services) and on the interplay between the actors involved in these exchanges, including their (in)formal institutions and networks.

Topic: Governance and planning, Social and economic equity
Organization: FAO
Author: FAO
Year: 2018
Type: Methodology and Training Materials
Region: Global coverage
Resource format: Document
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