Plate-forme des Actions Alimentaires Urbaines

Local food systems and COVID-19; A glimpse on India’s responses

Auteur: Pramitha Elizabeth Pothan, Makiko Taguchi, Guido Santini
Publié par: FAO

The collective approach by the national and state governments along with the private sector to protect the lives and the livelihood of the vulnerable groups facing the Covid-19 crisis in India are presented. It is expected that these actions could encourage effective solutions for greater food security and food sovereignty in countries currently suffering from the pandemic and for India itself.

Thème: Social and economic equity, Food supply and distribution
Tags: COVID-19, Pandemics, Resilient cities
Organisation: FAO
Auteur: Pramitha Elizabeth Pothan, Makiko Taguchi, Guido Santini
Année: 2020
Type: Articles
City (Pays): India
Région: Asia and the Pacific
Format de ressource: Document
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