Our Partners

Partnerships and cooperation play catalytic roles in supporting FAO to fulfill its programmatic mandate in Viet Nam and deliver meaningful change to people’s lives in rural communities.
As part of our mission to turn vision into action, FAO works to complement our comparative advantages as the world’s agricultural knowledge agency with new partnerships that provide support, knowledge-s haring and expertise to our work in Viet Nam.
We have a wide range of partnership modalities to increase investment in food, agriculture and collaborate with FAO to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Partnerships have potential to cut across all areas of our current work, and importantly our five new Special Focus Areas.
These mutually beneficial alliances not only allow FAO to achieve results in each of our strategic priorities in Viet Nam, they also provide partners with a further pathway to demonstrate their values, commitment and reach their development objectives.
Importantly, such partnerships are unique opportunities for donors to play active roles in Viet Nam’s sustainable development and delivery of equitable prosperity to all its citizens.
Agriculture and rural communities are of critical importance to Viet Nam and FAO, with 95 per cent of the country’s poor living in rural areas and agriculture ensuring national food security and still a significant national employer.
Yet, intensifying challenges such as climate change and natural disasters, depletion of natural resources and rural-urban migration are also key areas of FAO work that cover a large spectrum of the development agenda in Viet Nam.
With seven out of the 17 SDGs almost entirely related to agriculture and natural resources management – our core mandate, together with FAO you can make a difference.
Key partners include:
Ministries :
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment ; Ministry of Health.
Development Partners :
Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, European Union, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom; JICA, KOICA, USAID.
International Financial Institutions: World Bank, Asian Development Bank.
Mass organizations: Women’s Union, Farmers’ Union.