Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries

in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication

SSF Guidelines Updates

SSF Guidelines Update | July 2024
  • The second edition of the SSF Summit closes with positive outcomes
  • COFI36 High Level Event - Taking stock: 10 years of the SSF Guidelines
  • A summary of small-scale fisheries and the SSF Guidelines at COFI 36
  • International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) - SAMUDRA Report No.91, June 2024
  • Too Big to Ignore (TBTI) - Small-scale fisheries in all agenda at COFI36. By Ratana Chuenpagdee
  • Online consultation for the draft text of the small-scale fishing section of the FAO Guidance on Social Responsibility in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Value Chains is now open and available to all for comments and suggestions.

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SSF Guidelines Update | June 2024
  • High-Level Dialogue session on the National Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries in Malawi
  • Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication Publications Guide 2024
  • SSF Summit 2024
  • The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2024: Blue Transformation in action
  • Technical guidance for the creation and implementation of a national fisher registry in support of fisheries management
  • New technical paper: The inland fisheries of the Russian Federation: their current status for food provision and employment

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SSF Guidelines Update | May 2024
  • High-Level Dialogue session on the National Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries in Malawi
  • Virtual inception meeting on new project 'Implementing the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines for gender-equitable and climate-resilient food systems and livelihoods - Phase 2”
  • Report of the workshop on creating an enabling environment for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries
  • The contribution of small-scale fisheries to healthy food systems and sustainable livelihoods in the SADC region
  • Turkey: Raising awareness on the SSF Guidelines and RPOA-SSF
  • Report of the global workshop between regional fishery bodies and basin management organizations for scaling up cooperation towards sustainable inland fisheries in the context of food security and nutrition

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SSF Guidelines Update | April 2024
  • New elearning: Developing and implementing National Plans of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries
  • FAO Namibia releases a series of policy briefs to support implementation of the SSF Guidelines in the country
  • Stepping up resilient and sustainable small-scale fisheries and aquaculture: Policy considerations to sustain the achievements from the IYAFA 2022 celebration in the Western Central Atlantic region
  • TBTI: Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the SSF Guidelines at the SSF Regional Symposium for Asia-Pacific

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SSF Guidelines Update | March 2024
  • NPOA-SSF Manual
  • NPOA-SSF Guide for trainers
  • NPOA-SSF templates and tools platform
  • Small-scale fisheries governance - A handbook in support of the implementation of the SSF Guidelines
  • New baseline survey results on small-scale fisheries in Indonesia, Madagascar, Namibia and the Philippines
  • Women in fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region: roles, challenges and opportunities

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SSF Guidelines Update | February 2024
  • The contribution of small-scale fisheries to healthy food systems and sustainable livelihoods in the United Republic of Tanzania
  • Passing the baton: bolstering young fishers’ roles for sustainable fisheries resources in Indonesia
  • ICSF: Getting the story straight and envisioning a fair future for small-scale fisheries in Europe
  • SEAFDEC: Striving to mainstream and integrate gender in small-scale fisheries of Southeast Asia
  • DIHR: new guide on Human Rights Due Diligence for companies in the fisheries value chain
  • OCCHR: Report | Fisheries and the right to food in the context of climate change

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SSF Guidelines Update | January 2024
  • New COFI Sub-Committee on Fisheries Management emphasises small-scale fisheries
  • Publication: Environmental stewardship by small-scale fisheries
  • Applying the Illuminating Hidden Harvests approach – Compiling data on the contributions of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development
  • New elearning course: Compiling data on the contributions of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development
  • The 6th edition of the International Fishing Industry Safety and Health Conference (IFISH) focused on small-scale fisheries
  • INFOFISH: Democratizing the implementation of the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines Article by John Kurien

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SSF Guidelines Update | December 2023
  • The new SSF Guidelines website ushers in the 2024 celebrations
  • Malawi launches National Plan of Action for Small- Scale Fisheries (2023 – 2030)
  • New videos available to boost training on improved post-harvest practices
  • Monitoring the challenges of marine and inland small-scale fisherfolks in Ghana
  • Now available: Food and Agriculture Microdata Catalogue - Fishery Surveys
  • Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework

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SSF Guidelines Update | November 2023
  • Don't miss the new deadline! Share your experience on the implementation of the SSF Guidelines
  • In Namibia the implementation process of the SSF Guidelines has started
  • Commercially important sea cucumbers of the World
  • Small fish for food security and nutrition
  • GFCM: More Mediterranean and Black Sea countries can join the journey towards sustainable fisheries!
  • Don't miss the CAFI SSF Network - Webinar Talk Series

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SSF Guidelines Update | October 2023
  • Share your experience on the implementation of the SSF Guidelines - call for submissions is open!
  • Empowering Indigenous Peoples through sustainable fisheries: A dialogue at the UN biennial Global Indigenous Youth Forum (UNGIYF)
  • GFCM: Turkish version of the Regional Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea is available
  • Take part in the 6th edition of the International Fishing Industry Safety & Health Conference (IFISH-6)
  • Michigan State University: Two PHD positions open

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SSF Guidelines Update | September 2023
  • New country briefs on the contribution of women in small-scale fisheries to healthy food systems and sustainable livelihoods
  • The contribution of small-scale fisheries to healthy food systems and sustainable livelihoods in Uganda
  • FAO Yearbook of Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics 2020
  • Mitigating the impact of irrigation infrastructure on fish migration
  • Nature Food: Fishing for subsistence constitutes a livelihood safety net
  • IHH Executive summary is now also available in Spanish and French

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SSF Guidelines Update | August 2023
  • Video: Learn more about the development of a National Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries 2022-2026 (NPOA-SSF) in Namibia
  • Ecosystem restoration and inland food fisheries in developing countries
  • Comunidades con voz. El futuro de la pesca artesanal en Latinoamérica y el Caribe
  • From vulnerability to viability: A situational analysis of small-scale fisheries in Asia and Africa
  • Indigenous Peoples’ customary fishing rights
  • Cases concerning Indigenous Peoples’ rights and fisheries

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SSF Guidelines Update | July 2023
  • Enhancing fishers livelihoods through social protection
  • INFOFISH: Resilient rivers: counting fish from forests
  • COBI: DECALOGUE - The International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture in Mexico
  • One Ocean Hub highlights the collective achievements during IYAFA 2022 and plans the way forward!
  • The contribution of women in small-scale fisheries to healthy food systems and sustainable livelihoods
  • Mangrove photography awards 2023.Open for entries!

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SSF Guidelines Update | June 2023
  • Towards sustainable resource management for small-scale fisheries
  • Gender transformative trainings: insights from the Philippines and Indonesia
  • CFI: Fisherfolk in Peru preserve mangroves and ocean resources through co-management
  • Women’s groups in Papua New Guinea embrace new technology in fish processing introduced by FAO
  • ‘Fishing’ for recognition of customary law: a preliminary reflection in the fisheries context
  • Directives volontaires visant à assurer la durabilité de la pêche artisanale dans le contexte de la sécurité alimentaire et de l’éradication de la pauvreté

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SSF Guidelines Update | May 2023
  • Responsible governance of tenure and inland fisheries: more than simply fish
  • Trainings and distribution of fishing kits promote food security and nutrition in South Sudan
  • FISH4ACP: Lake Tanganyika countries meet on action plan for first stock assessment in decades
  • “A Blue Transformation can only be achieved if opportunities are provided for fishers, fish farmers and value chain small and medium-sized enterprises to grow and financial inclusion is the key.”
  • INFOFISH speaks to Nicole Franz
  • A review of governance and tenure in inland capture fisheries and aquaculture systems of India

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SSF Guidelines Update | April 2023
  • SSF Guidelines website
  • E-learning - Governance in small-scale fisheries
  • Find out: Series of videos for training on improved post-harvest practices
  • Malawi: The gender household approach brings positive changes for small-scale fisher households
  • Why the gender transformative approach is critical to achieving more equitable and resilient SSF in sub-Saharan Africa

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IYAFA newsletter | issue #15
  • IYAFA Global closing event
  • IYAFA 2022 photo exhibition
  • IYAFA 2022 Final report
  • IYAFA 2022 in Africa
  • IYAFA 2022 in North Africa
  • IYAFA 2022 closing celebration for Asia

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IYAFA newsletter | issue #14
  • Kyrgyzstan launches series of stamps to celebrate IYAFA 2022
  • FAO and MSU are seeking case studies on aquatic ecosystems and associated livelihoods
  • Nominations for the Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Awards for East Africa are open
  • IIED: Sustainable seafood and small-scale fisheries: improving retail procurement
  • Socioeconomic impact evaluation of unemployment insurance for small-scale fishers in Brazil
  • FAO: Fibreglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) boat repair in the tropics: A practical guide

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IYAFA newsletter | issue #13
  • Throughout 2022 FAO has gathered 12 stories from the field to highlight the diversity of activities, culture and experience these workers have.
  • European Parliament: IYAFA 2022 in resolution on the small-scale fisheries situation in the EU and future perspectives
  • OOH: Defenders of the Ocean
  • CAOPA: Report of IYAFA activities
  • CFFA: “A year for artisanal fishers is not enough”
  • FAO: Bangladesh celebrates IYAFA 2022

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IYAFA newsletter | issue #12
  • IYAFA: Interview with Jackie Sunde, senior researcher for the One Ocean Hub small-scale fisheries research team at the University of Cape Town
  • Check out the recently launched legal and policy database on small-scale fisheries to support the implementation of the SSF Guidelines
  • E-learning – Legal and policy considerations for sustainable small-scale fisheries
  • Legislating for sustainable small-scale fisheries
  • A policy and legal diagnostic tool for small-scale fisheries
  • Applying coherently the human rights framework to small-scale fisheries

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IYAFA newsletter | issue #11
  • IYAFA: Interview with Ratana Chuenpagdee, research professor in geography at Memorial University of Newfoundland, in St. John’s, Canada
  • Illuminating Hidden Harvests (IHH)
  • Strengthening the food composition evidence base for aquatic foods
  • Building co-management for the anchovy fishery and improving local livelihoods
  • New e-learning course: Evaluating fisheries co-management effectiveness
  • A good practice guide for ethical and inclusive communications involving small-scale fisheries

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IYAFA newsletter | issue #10
  • IYAFA: Interview with Shakuntala Thilsted, global lead for nutrition and public health at WorldFish
  • Equitable livelihoods, food and nutrition security in small-scale fishing communities: Under threat by the nutrition transition?
  • The Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Food and Nutrition Divisions at FAO join forces to incorporate fish into home-grown school feeding programmes
  • New fish-based recipe book for better nutrition in Malawi
  • Small-scale fisheries and the human right to adequate food
  • IYAFA in the Committee on World Food Security (CFS)

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IYAFA newsletter | issue #9
  • IYAFA: Interview with Jeppe Kolding, professor in fisheries science at University of Bergen, Norway
  • Colombia: children learn about the conservation of catfish
  • Fisheries and forestry join forces for inland small-scale fisheries
  • Summary of chapter on inland fisheries in SOFIA
  • Review of the state of the world fishery resources: Inland fisheries
  • Size-based assessment of data-limited inland fish stocks

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IYAFA newsletter | issue #8
  • IYAFA: Interview with Darío José Mejía Montalvo, President, UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
  • Indigenous women lead research on artisanal fisheries
  • Algae offers Indigenous fishers new prospects in Panama
  • FAO Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples
  • Indigenous Peoples’ food systems. Insights on sustainability and resilience from the front line of climate change
  • Capacity development Workshop on the SSF Guidelines for Indigenous Peoples of Central America

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IYAFA newsletter | issue #7
  • Video: Chapter 9 in the SSF Guidelines is about disaster risks and climate change
  • IYAFA: Interview with Zoila Bustamante Cardenas, President of the Latin American Union of Artisanal Fisheries and of the Confederation National Association of Artisanal Fishermen of Chile (CONAPACH)
  • FAO in Latin America and the Caribbean welcomed 24 Champions of Small-Scale Fisheries and Aquaculture
  • Community fishers attend screening of award-winning film organized by FAO Bangladesh in occasion of IYAFA 2022
  • 2022 Ocean Conference side event Small in scale, big in value: Stocktaking, partnerships, and solutions in support of small-scale fisheries
  • FAO takes the opportunity at the 2022 Ocean Dialogue to highlight the high vulnerability of small-scale fishers and fish farmers to climate change

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IYAFA newsletter | issue #6
  • IYAFA: IYAFA 2022 at UN Ocean Conference: an inspiring journey across regions, told by fishers, fish workers and policy makers
  • IYAFA: Interview with Ambassador Peter Thomson, UNSG’s Special Envoy for the Ocean,occasion of the 2022 UN Ocean Conference
  • Blue Transformation: A vision for FAO's work on aquatic food systems
  • Small-scale fisheries and sustainable development: Key findings from the IHH report
  • African countries celebrate the importance of fish industries employing 5.4 million people and providing essential nutrition
  • Países de América del Sur impulsan el consumo de pescado con programas de promoción y educación alimentaria
  • The Government of Namibia launches national plan of action (NPoA) for small-scale fisheries
  • Marine protected areas: Interactions with fishery livelihoods and food security
  • Restoration of productive aquatic ecosystems by small-scale fisheries and aquaculture

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IYAFA newsletter | issue #5
  • Video: Chapter 5A of the SSF Guidelines is about responsible governance of tenure
  • IYAFA: Interview with Dr. Fikret Berkes, Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba, on the importance of Governance to small-scale fisheries and aquaculture
  • Legislating for sustainable small-scale fisheries
  • A policy and legal diagnostic tool for sustainable SSF
  • Parlatino: Model law on small-scale fisheries
  • IYAFA 2022 and UNDFF: an opportunity for small-scale fisheries and aquaculture producers to amplify their voices
  • Towards transforming blue food systems: Strengthening coherence between fisheries policies and social protection
  • FAO: International policy tools based on human rights help countries to create a sustainable blue economy
  • The FAO Aquaculture News (FAN) celebrates IYAFA 2022

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IYAFA newsletter | issue #4
  • Video: Chapter 6 in the SSF Guidelines is about social development, employment and decent work
  • IYAFA: Interview with Adriana Cedena Cancino, representative of the confederation of the National roundtable of artisanal fishing of Colombia
  • Impact evaluation of the fishers’ unemployment insurance in Brazil
  • Decent work and social protection in Tunisia: women in small-scale fisheries
  • Autogenous social protection mechanisms in small-scale fisheries and aquaculture
  • Social Protection in the Fisheries and Aquaculture sector (SocPro4Fish) project
  • A participatory exercise for the social protection of Colombia's fishing and aquaculture sector
  • New Brief: Inclusive social development and decent work for enhancing small-scale fisheries resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Promoting greater coherence between small-scale fisheries and social protection policies, mechanisms and programs in Cambodia

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IYAFA newsletter | issue #3
  • Video: Chapter 7 of the SSF Guidelines is about value-chains, post-harvest and trade
  • IYAFA: Interview with Dr. Prasun Kumar Das, Secretary General of APRACA (Asia-Pacific Rural and Agricultural credit Association)
  • Guidelines for micro-finance and credit in support of small-scale fisheries in Asia
  • Financing fisheries in Africa - Case studies from Tanzania and Zambia
  • Showcasing applied practices in value chains, post-harvest operations and trade
  • Developing sustainable value chains for aquatic products - A draft methodological brief for analysis and design
  • Fish with a story: find out how Abalobi is bringing together fishers and consumers with tecnology
  • WWF's Ocean Witness: “We are agents for local development”
  • GFCM: Breaking free of the traditional value-chains

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IYAFA newsletter | issue #2
  • Video: Gender equity and equality are core objectives and guiding principles of the SSF Guidelines.
  • IYAFA: Interview with Editrudith Lukanga, Executive Director EMEDO and Secretary General of AWFishNet
  • Towards gender-equitable small-scale fisheries governance and development
  • A methodological guide for mapping women ́s small-scale fishery organizations
  • Video: The female factor – farming catfish in Nigeria
  • Rowing IYAFA 2022 in the United Republic of Tanzania
  • Blue Ventures: Women in fisheries management in Indonesia
  • One Ocean Hub: In a perfect world fishing has no gender
  • GFCM: Redressing the gender balance IYAFA

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IYAFA newsletter | issue #1
  • Video: Community-based Fisheries Management - Fishing voices from the Pacific
  • IYAFA: Interview with Manuel Barange, Director of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division at FAO, on the importance of artisanal fisheries and aquaculture for the environmental sustainability
  • Chapters 5a and 5b in the SSF Guidelines are about sustainable resource management
  • E-learning course on SDG Indicator 14.b.1 - Securing sustainable small-scale fisheries
  • E-GEOS presents the 2022 LOVE PLANET EARTH calendar IYAFA 2022
  • Event: Launch of the EMEDO Environmental Resource Center (ERC) in Tanzania
  • Handbook: Convention on Biological Diversity for small-scale fisheries communities
  • Video: CAOPA: "What is the value of African artisanal fisheries?"
  • INFOFISH International celebrates IYAFA

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November 2021
  • Video: Like ripples in the water
  • Watch global IYAFA launch
  • Watch regional IYAFA launch
  • IYAFA 2022: Call for human-interest stories
  • Job posting: Fishery Officer (Social Protection)
  • IYAFA 2022: Call for human-interest stories
  • Meet Margaret Nakato, winner of the Margarita Lizárraga Medal
  • Celebrate #IYAFA2022!
  • A video message from IYAFA supporters

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October 2021 | Corrigendum
  • Illuminating Hidden Harvests (IHH): A snapshot of key findings
  • Upcoming webinar: Highlighting environmental leadership by small-scale fishers

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October 2021
  • International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA)
  • Illuminating Hidden Harvests (IHH): A snapshot of key findings
  • Review of Global Fisheries and Aquaculture Insurance
  • IYAFA 2022: Call for human-interest stories
  • Job posting: Fishery Officer (Social Protection)
  • Call for papers: Artisanal and small-scale fisheries and aquaculture
  • CAOPA: Declaration on transparency for sustainable artisanal fisheries in Africa
  • SMU: New initiative highlights environmental leadership by small-scale fishers
  • FiTI Brief: Transparency for small-scale fisheries
  • Blue Ventures: 30x30 is an ambitious new goal to protect 30% of the planet by 2030

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September 2021
  • Checklists and technical guidelines to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Volume 1 and 2
  • FAO on Twitter: Our oceans sustain the livelihoods of millions
  • Report on the National Gender Training workshop
  • Summary of the SSF Forum sessions on decent work and social protection
  • New translations for "Linkages between the SSF Voluntary Guidelines and the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition"
  • TBTI: 4th World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress Series
  • FAO, ICARDA, WORLDFISH: Virtual expert consultation to draft a MEL framework
  • CAOPA: Upcoming "Who does the fish belongs to" Webinar

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August 2021
  • GFCM: the SSF Forum will offer more workshops in the Fall
  • FAO: rules of the road at sea e-learning for small-scale fishers
  • FAO: Scaling up the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
  • CAOPA: towards a National Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries (NPOA-SSF) in Ghana
  • TBTI: proceedings of the SSF Open House, a week full of exchanges on small-scale fisheries
  • Duke University: listen to this podcast on Measuring Fish for Food & Nutrition Security
  • Duke University: two new post-doctoral position on small-scale fisheries

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June 2021
  • FAO: tribute to Fabio Hazin, the chair of the consultations for the SSF Guidelines
  • FAO: evaluating the efficiency of small-scale fisheries co-management
  • FAO: latest developments of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022
  • FAO: information building materials on small-scale fisheries safety at sea
  • FAO: mainstreaming gender for SSF development strategies
  • GFCM: raising awareness of national legislations to promote sustainable small-scale fisheries
  • TBTI: SSF Open House, celebrating the lives and livelihoods of small-scale fisheries
  • One Ocean Hub: promoting small-scale fisheries and ocean well-being
  • Ocean University of Sri Lanka: blue growth for sustainable livelihoods

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May 2021
  • New FAO website on the importance of social protection for small-scale fisheries
  • IYAFA 2022: Indigenous Peoples inland small-scale fisheries for healthy food systems
  • GFCM: the second year of the SSF Forum was launched in May
  • Illuminating Hidden Harvests: Read about the latest news and updates from the study
  • TBTI: alongside the FAO, TBTI will be unpacking the SSF Guidelines during World Oceans Week
  • SSF Guidelines launch in Malawi paves the way to sustainable small-scale fisheries
  • WorldFish: Junior Communications Consultant for Illuminating Hidden Harvests launch
  • One Ocean Hub: workshop on sustainable small-scale fisheries law co-organised with FAO
  • TBTI: Using transdisciplinary training for implementing the SSF Guidelines in India

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April 2021
  • CFS47 Side event: Exploring CFS instruments in small-scale fisheries
  • APFIC Webinar 2021: Information and Communication Technologies for small-scale fisheries
  • APFIC Webinar 2021: Characteristics and performance of co-management in Asia
  • CAFI SSF Network hosts webinar on microfinance and credit services for small-scale fisheries
  • Tanzania: launch of NPOA-SSF marks another committed step in the right direction
  • SSF Guidelines launch in Malawi paves the way to sustainable small-scale fisheries
  • Call for Action: Funds under Ocean Innovation Challenge for small-scale fisheries
  • Masifundise host first Small-Scale Fisheries National Strategic Forum
  • TBTI: Using transdisciplinary training for implementing the SSF Guidelines in India

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March 2021
  • Overview: the part Civil Society Organisations play in the implementation of the SSF Guidelines
  • In their own words: how ICSF, the IPC Working Group on Fisheries and EMEDO are helping to implement the SSF Guidelines
  • SSF Gender Handbook referenced in International Women's Day webinar discussing women in fisheries leadership positions
  • New webpage on Social Protection and Fisheries helps raise awareness about the challenges of the sector
  • FAO discuss the future of fish markets and trade at International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) 2021 Conference
  • FAO present at the 2021 Korea International Cooperation Conference on Oceans and Fisheries (KICCOF) in the context of Covid-19
  • Find out more about APFIC's webinars scheduled for 2021 on SSF Co-management, ICT4SSF and gender equality and equity
  • Virtual regional training workshop to test Legislative Guide and Diagnostic Tool for implemention of the SSF Guidelines

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February 2021
  • Supporting sustainable small-scale and artisanal fisheries at the 34th Session of COFI
  • Exploring the application of CFS instruments to small-scale fisheries
  • Call for Expression of Interest and Vacancy Announcements with FAO
  • Webinar exploring the role of nutrient-rich, small, low-cost fish in diets
  • International Ocean Institute of Southern Africa deliver governance training for Africa
  • New CFS Voluntary Guidelines to leverage the right to food with reference to the SSF Guidelines
  • International Collective in Support of Fishworkers: Samudra Report 84th Edition
  • Poseidon: newsletter details development of NPOA-SSF training program
  • TBTI: February 2021 newsletter shares SSF Guidelines 'transdisciplinarity' workshop report

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January 2021
  • Overview: the role Non-Governmental Organisations play in the implementation of the SSF Guidelines
  • In their own words: how ABALOBI, EDF, SSNC and ELI are helping to implement the SSF Guidelines around the world
  • Understanding the link between gender and food loss in African small-scale fisheries value chains
  • National inception workshop for empowering women in Sierra Leonean small-scale fisheries
  • The SSF Guidelines: what we have learnt and what we need to do next
  • The 34th Session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) - virtual
  • EDF: the SSF Hub in now live!
  • Invemar and FAO: meeting hosted with platoneras from Buenaventura in Colombia
  • OSPESCA: the implementation of the SSF Guidelines in OSPESCA Member States

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December 2020
  • Overview: the role of research and academia behind the implementation of the SSF Guidelines
  • In their own words: hear from several of our research partners about their work on the SSF Guidelines
  • Enhancing sanitation and hygiene at Kunduchi and Kirumba fish markets in the wake of Covid-19
  • First meetings for the National Plan of Action to implement the SSF Guidelines in Namibia
  • Close to 200 fishers and scientists participated in the SSF University Day in the GFCM regions
  • IPNLF: Small-scale tuna fishers now able to directly advise the European Union
  • ICSF: Completion of SSF Guidelines translation into additional four languages for Ghanians
  • TBTI: Using Transdisciplinarity for Fisheries Policies and the implementation of the SSF Guidelines

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November 2020
  • Overview: an introduction to the financial support behind the SSF Guidelines
  • In their own words: why our donors see value in implementing the SSF Guidelines
  • Enhancing sanitation and hygiene at Kunduchi and Kirumba fish markets in the wake of Covid-19
  • First steps to creating a National Plan of Action to implement the SSF Guidelines
  • One Ocean Hub: small-scale fisheries and Blue Justice
  • IUCN Guidelines for gathering of fishers' knowledge for policy development and applied use
  • Symposium on the future of small-scale fishery markets in the Mediterranean
  • CFFA: How the EU can support African artisanal fisheries with the SSF Guidelines
  • TBTI: Unlocking legal and policy frameworks for small-scale fisheries: global illustrations

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October 2020
  • Overview of key SSF Guidelines activities in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
  • Implementing the SSF Guidelines across Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
  • "Autonomy, power and independence do not come overnight"
  • How the Government of Malawi supports small-scale fisheries during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Fish as Food - the role of fish in the Right to Food
  • SSF Gender Policy Champions
  • Course in Resilient Fisheries Governance
  • IOI and FAO: 5-day training program in regional small-scale fisheries governance
  • The SSF Guidelines in Wolof for Senegal
  • Calls to action

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September 2020
  • Overview of key SSF Guidelines implementation activities in Europe
  • The SSF Guidelines are gaining momentum in Europe
  • Covid-19 sensitization for fishers and fishworkers in coastal regions of Ghana
  • FAO Global Expert Workshop on Fisheries Co-Management Guidebook
  • "Fish(ing) for Future": Sustainable fish for food security and nutrition in Africa
  • Small-scale fisheries and food security

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July 2020
  • Overview of key SSF Guidelines activities in the Near East and North Africa region
  • Take part of our partners' experiences from implementing the SSF Guidelines in the region
  • Illuminating Hidden Harvests study in the spotlight at COFI virtual dialogues
  • The experience of small-scale fisheries in the face of the COVID-19 crisis
  • Training of trainers in 'gender transformative approaches'
  • Virtual dialogue on women's empowerment in fisheries now available online

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June 2020
  • Special edition: Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Overview of key activities in the region
  • How the African Union facilitates implementation of the SSF Guidelines in Africa
  • "When I know there is a tool speaking for me, I feel stronger, I feel empowered" (Katosi Women Development Trust)
  • Get to know the newly formed African Advisory Group
  • Recent event: Webinar series 'Small is bountiful'
  • Recent resources: New videos explain the SSF Guidelines
  • Info about COVID-19 and small-scale fisheries compiled
  • Recent publications
  • Upcoming events
  • Call for grant applications

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May 2020
  • Special edition: Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Overview of key activities in the region
  • Insights into how OSPESCA supports implementation of the SSF Guidelines in Central America
  • ‘Aligning the stars’ – A story about collective action to implement the SSF Guidelines in Costa Rica
  • Job: Small-Scale Fisheries Project Coordinator, 11 months contract, Windhoek, Namibia
  • Job: Small-Scale Fisheries Project Manager, 216 days consultancy, remote work
  • Information about COVID-19 and small-scale fisheries compiled 
  • Recent publications
  • Upcoming events

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April 2020
  • Special edition: Asia and the Pacific
  • Overview of key activities in the region
  • "We use the SSF Guidelines as a point of reference that we keep coming back to"
  • "A key role ICSF plays is to lay the ground for organizations to drive the issues they care about"
  • Job: National Professional Officer in Fishery and Aquaculture Value Chains, Marshall Islands
  • Online consultation gathered thoughts on how to monitor SSF Guidelines implementation
  • Play the game “GO small-scale Fish!ng” and learn about the SSF Guidelines
  • Information about COVID-19 and small-scale fisheries compiled

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March 2020
  • International Women's Day
  • Launch of a 'university' dedicated to small-scale fishers
  • Inception workshop for project in Africa to empower women
  • Advisers and legislators of the Congress of Colombia briefed on the SSF Guidelines
  • Lake zone producers’ forum in Tanzania highlights SSF Guidelines
  • Developing a national plan of action in Tanzania

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February 2020
  • Online consultation: How to monitor implementation of the SSF Guidelines?
  • Training of trainers in safety at sea
  • TBTI 'Training-of-the-Trainers' program builds capacity to implement the SSF Guidelines
  • Workshop on mainstreaming small-scale fisheries in governance and policy
  • SSF Guidelines presented at international symposium on marine ecosystems challenges
  • Regional workshop on gender integration in fisheries

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December 2019
  • What does FAO do to implement the SSF Guidelines?
  • Central American sub-regional meeting on the implementation of the SSF Guidelines
  • Small-scale fisheries value chains, post-harvest and trade discussed in high-level meeting
  • Technical workshop on small-scale fisheries and data collection in the Maghreb
  • Research network helps collect knowledge on small-scale fisheries
  • 18th session of the Committee for Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture of Africa (CIFAA)
  • New card game teaches the SSF Guidelines – test run at fisheries governance course
  • Parliamentarians for Global Action agreed to promote the SSF Guidelines
  • Danish institute promotes human rights in fisheries and aquaculture in Asia
  • CAOPA celebrated world fisheries day and highlighted SSF Guidelines

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November 2019
  • How to secure sustainable fisheries livelihoods discussed at FAO symposium
  • Seminar promoted safety at sea and decent work in line with the SSF Guidelines
  • New session of the CECAF Working Group for Artisanal Fisheries
  • International workshop on ICT4Fisheries in practice
  • BMZ Innovation Dialogue on the future of African rural areas
  • ICSF workshop on the implementation of the SSF Guidelines at local level in India
  • Building a global knowledge sharing platform to help implement the SSF Guidelines

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October 2019
  • Small-scale fisheries round table talks on partnerships and market opportunities
  • Expert Seminar on Traditional Knowledge and Indigenous Peoples' Fisheries in the Arctic
  • West Africa fishing communities receive FAO training in new fish smoking technique
  • Local communities play outsized but overlooked role in global fisheries
  • Multi-stakeholder meeting discussed resilient and equitable small-scale fisheries
  • SSF Guidelines included in recent UN University post-graduate level training
  • Expert workshop acknowledges sustainability and potential in non-certified seafood
  • Committe on World Food Security side event: Treasures of the oceans and inland waters
  • SSF Guidelines discussed at Community of Practice Workshop on Fishery Improvement Projects

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September 2019
  • Indigenous peoples workshop on governance in fisheries
  • GIZ staff and consultants got to know the SSF Guidelines better
  • ICSF workshop on improving inland fisheries governance
  • Job vacancies
  • Recent publications and resources

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August 2019
  • SSF Guidelines at the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC)
  • Training workshop in Cabo Verde: using the SSF Guidelines in the Coastal Fisheries Initiative (CFI)
  • Ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) training including the SSF Guidelines
  • National workshop on India's marine fisheries policy and the SSF Guidelines
  • African Expert Meeting: Operationalising a Human Rights Based Approach

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July 2019
  • National workshop on social protection and fisheries in Senegal
  • International workshop on legal frameworks for small-scale fisheries
  • Pan-African workshop on Strengthening Non-State Actor (NSA) platforms
  • Recent publications and resources
  • Upcoming events

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June 2019
  • Illegal fishing and poor working conditions examined
  • New tool under way to help capacitate fisherfolk organisations
  • General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) High-level conference on MedFish4Ever initiatives
  • Dialogue on Socially Responsibility in Fisheries and Aquaculture Value Chain
  • People & the Sea Conference: learning from the past, imagining the future
  • The SAMUDRA Report No. 81

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