WASAG – The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture


Land & Water Days
08/12/2021 0:00 - 09/12/2021 0:00
The FAO Land and Water Division organized 4 online sessions during the Land & Water Days of 2021.
09/11/2021 18:00
"Salinity and Climate Smart Agriculture: Understand, connect and act now!" In collaboration with The Dutch Government, the Global Soil Partnership-the International Network of Salt-Affected Soils, Wageningen University & Research and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
WASAG at pre-COP26
29/09/2021 0:00
During this session, WASAG partners, governments, research institutions, youth and international organizations discussed the importance of empowering youth and how to do it in practice to address water scarcity in a changing climate, highlighting their comparative advantages, opportunities and due responsibility.
WASAG at the Stockholm World Water Week 2021
24/08/2021 0:00 - 25/08/2021 0:00
Join WASAG at the 2021 WWW for the two following sessions:   The WASAG working group on water and nutrition advances progress toward international food and water goals through sharing research findings, practical tools, and policy dialogue. This session showcases new insights into the multiple and synergistic roles of water in food...
Celebration of World Water Day 2021
22/03/2021 0:00 - 22/03/2021 0:00
World Water Day 2021 - Valuing Water: addressing water scarcity in agriculture is crucial in valuing water Celebrating the World Water Day is part of the life of WASAG Every year, 22 March has been set aside to mark World Water Day. The 2021 edition titled “Valuing Water” will be celebrated in...

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