FAO Conferences: Capacity Building and Awareness Raising in Response to the Threat of Fusarium Wilt of Banana, Tropical Race 4
FAO and its Global Network on TR4 invites technical teams from National and Regional Plant Protection Organizations (NPPO and RPPO), private sector companies and corporations, associations of banana producers and exporters to participate in these capacity building, awareness and analysis sessions. Academics and scientists from different universities and regional and international research centers linked to banana cultivation will also be welcomed. The event has the support of renowned regional and international experts from OIRSA, CAN, CAHFSA, COSAVE, NAPPO and GISCV, with the technical and financial contribution of the FAO regional emergency project and the World Banana Forum.
- To strengthen the capacity of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean that cultivate Musaceae and the knowledge of technical officers of the NPPOs and RPPOs to confront the Fusarium wilt of Banana, tropical race 4 in the current context, through the updating of the existing alternatives technologies on biosecurity measures, surveillance, management, and impact assessment of the pest.
- To contribute to the sensitization of government entities and donor institutions to reinforce anticipatory actions and risk reduction in the sector.
Dates: 27, 28 and 29 July 2021
Link to Register: https://fao.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Zm3bs5mGS9uUAu12E9w8Wg