World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 1980 (WCA 1980)
Programme for the 1980 World Census of Agriculture
The Programme for the 1980 World Census of Agriculture, the fourth decennial Programme to be launched by FAO refers to national censuses to be undertaken during the decade 1976-85. The Programme amplifies the improvements and developments successively introduced in each of the preceding programmes for 1950, 1960 and 1970.
Report on the 1980 World Census of Agriculture.
Results by countries. Census Bulletins 1-28. Rome.
This report on the 1980 World Census of Agriculture has been to make accessible the census data which have been available in the scores of the national census reports in diverse forms and in many different languages.
1980 World Census of Agriculture - Methodological Review
FAO Statistical Development Series
This publication is a review of methodological aspects of the national agricultural censuses conducted within the framework of the Programme for the 1980 World Census of Agriculture of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Taking agricultural censuses
FAO Economic and Social Development Paper (ESDP 1)
These guidelines contains information based mainly on the experiences of selected international and national agricultural censuses experts working and/or having worked in the developing countries.
World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 1970 (WCA 1970)
Report on the 1970 World Census of Agriculture
This report on the 1970 World Census of Agriculture is being presented as supplementary material to the Programme for the 1980 World Census of Agriculture in the hope that the experience documented there in will provide useful guidelines to countries in planning and implementing their national census of agriculture.
Report on the 1970 World Census of Agriculture
Results by countries. Census bulletins 1-30. Rome
This report on the 1970 World Census of Agriculture has been to make accessible the census data which have been available in the scores of the national census reports in diverse forms and in many different languages.
Program for the 1970 World Census of Agriculture
The countries which have joined together to form FAO have recognized the importance of agricultural statistics. The aim of 1970 Program is to indicate modifications in the previous World Program. While preparing the Program, the varying conditions of different regions and countries have been kept in mind.
1970 World Census of Agriculture
Regional Program for Europe
The Regional Program for Europe consist of two parts: World Program and European Supplement to the World Program. The aim of the Supplement is to indicate modifications in the World Program to adapt it to the conditions and needs prevailing in European region.
1970 World Census of Agriculture
Regional program for Asia and the Far East
The Regional Program for Asia and Far East consist of two parts: World Program and Asia and Far East Supplement to the World Program. The aim of the Supplement is to indicate modifications in the World Program to adapt it to the conditions and needs prevailing in the Asia and [...]
1970 World Census of Agriculture
Regional program for the Near East
The Regional Program for the Near East consist of two parts: World Program and Near East Supplement to the World Program. The aim of the Supplement is to indicate modifications in the World Program to adapt it to the conditions and needs prevailing in the Near East region.
1970 World Census of Agriculture
Regional program for Africa
The 1970 World Census Program covers a great variety of conditions in different parts of the world. Within the framework of this Program regional census programs have been prepared. The regional Program for Africa consist of two parts: World Program and African Supplement to the World Program.
1970 World Census of Agriculture
Regional program for America
The regional program for America consist of two parts: World Program and American Supplement to the World Program. The aim of the supplement is to indicate modifications in the World Program to adapt it to the conditions and needs prevailing in the American region.
1970 World Census of Agriculture
Analysis and international comparison of the results
This publication provides, in an internationally comparable form, a summary of data describing the main characteristics of agricultural structures, such as number and area of agricultural holdings, land tenure, agricultural holders and land use. It contains data from 89 countries.
Agricultural holdings in the 1970 World Census of Agriculture: a statistical analysis
FAO Economic and social Development Paper 47
The information presented here gives the results of a statistical analysis of the agricultural holdings main characteristics (i.e. distribution of the number and area by size, using the log normal distribution).
World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 1960 (WCA 1960)
Programme for the 1960 World Census of Agriculture
The Programme for the 1960 world census of agriculture envisages that each government will obtain, as far as possible accurate and comparable information on the structure of the agriculture. The eight session of the FAO conference adopted the Resolution No. 21/55 1960 World Census of Agriculture.
Report on the 1960 World Census of Agriculture
Census Results by Countries, 1a
With the publication of the present volume of the Report on the 1960 world census of agriculture, the Organization begins the series of publications on the 1960 census.
Report on the 1960 World Census of Agriculture
Census Results by Countries, 1b
The aim of this publication, which is the second of the series, is primarily to provide, in a unified form, census results for countries that have participated in the 1960 world census of agriculture.
Report on the 1960 World Census of Agriculture
Census Results by Countries, 1c
The aim of this publication, which is the second of the series, is primarily to provide, in a unified form, census results for countries that have participated in the 1960 world census of agriculture.
Report on the 1960 World Census of Agriculture
Programme, concepts and scope, II
This is the second volume of the Report on the 1960 world census of agriculture. The present volume is devoted primarily to demonstrating the scope of the national censuses and the extent of countries' participation in the items proposed in FAO's Program for the 1960 World Census of Agriculture.
Report on the 1960 World Census of Agriculture
Methodology, III
This is the third in a series of the Volumes of the Report on the 1960 World Census of Agriculture. It deals with the methodological aspects of census-taking as applied by the countries participating in the 1960 World Census of Agriculture.
Report on the 1960 World Census of Agriculture
Processing and Tabulation, IV
The importance of timely processing of the statistical data accruing from the rapidly growing statistical activities can hardly be over-emphasized. The publication is divided into two parts: Part A devoted to the processing operations and Part B dealing with the tabulation plan.
Report on the 1960 World Census of Agriculture
Analysis and International Comparison of the Results, V
The purpose of this volume is to provide international summaries, with some analysis, of information from the national censuses taken under the broad framework of the 1960 World Census of Agriculture for use by member countries, FAO itself and other international data.
World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 1950 (WCA 1950)
Program for the 1950 World Census of Agriculture
The Programme for the 1950 World Census of Agriculture is presented to the governments, replacing document issued early in 1947. Since the earlier document was submitted, it has been reviewed by technicians from European countries, from American countries, and from countries concerned with statistical programs in underdeveloped areas.
Report on the 1950 World Census of Agriculture, Vol. I
Census Results by Country
The Programme for the 1950 World Census of Agriculture is presented to the governments, replacing document issued early in 1947. Since the earlier document was submitted, it has been reviewed by technicians from European countries, from American countries, and from countries concerned with statistical programs in underdeveloped areas.
Report on the 1950 World Census of Agriculture, Vol. II
Census Methodology
In the 1950 World Census of Agriculture it was intended that each government would obtain comprehensive, accurate and comparable information on its agriculture, including in particular: the number of agricultural holdings and their principal characteristics, the number and characteristics who obtain their livelihood from agriculture and the volume of production of all important products.
Report on the 1950 World Census of Agriculture World Agricultural Structure
Special reports, Land utilization - Study No. 3
In the 1950 World Census of Agriculture it was intended that each government would obtain comprehensive, accurate and comparable information on its agriculture, including in particular: the number of agricultural holdings and their principal characteristics, the number and characteristics who obtain their livelihood from agriculture and the volume of production of all important products.
World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 1930 (WCA 1930)
The First World Agricultural Census (1930), Volume I
The International Institute of Agriculture, in accordance with the resolution passed by the General Assembly of 1924, took the initiatives of promoting a world agricultural census, which was to be carried out in 1929-1930. The five volumes published, bring together in summary form the first results of the initiatives which is of the greatest importance for the improvement of agricultural statistics. The present volume introduces a standard form proposed to countries for conducting their national agricultural censuses. It includes a methodological study of the questions contained in the census forms and notes on the tabulation of the census results.
The First World Agricultural Census (1930), Volume II
The International Institute of Agriculture, in accordance with the resolution passed by the General Assembly of 1924, took the initiatives of promoting a world agricultural census, which was to be carried out in 1929-1930. The second volume, published, bring together in summary form the agricultural census results of the first 7 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czehoslovachia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland and France.
The First World Agricultural Census (1930), Volume III
The International Institute of Agriculture, in accordance with the resolution passed by the General Assembly of 1924, took the initiatives of promoting a world agricultural census, which was to be carried out in 1929-1930. The five volumes published, bring together in summary form the first results of the initiatives which is of the greatest importance for the improvement of agricultural statistics.
The First World Agricultural Census (1930), Volume IV
The International Institute of Agriculture, in accordance with the resolution passed by the General Assembly of 1924, took the initiatives of promoting a world agricultural census, which was to be carried out in 1929-1930. The five volumes published, bring together in summary form the first results of the initiatives which is of the greatest importance for the improvement of agricultural statistics.
The First World Agricultural Census (1930), Volume V
The International Institute of Agriculture, in accordance with the resolution passed by the General Assembly of 1924, took the initiatives of promoting a world agricultural census, which was to be carried out in 1929-1930. The five volumes published, bring together in summary form the first results of the initiatives which is of the greatest importance for the improvement of agricultural statistics.