Creating Behavioural Change
Human beings are altering the environment in unprecedented ways. But just as our actions are part of the problem, changing the way we behave can also be part of the solution. Every individual can make changes in their daily lives to create a cumulative effect that will have global impacts.
However, making these changes isn’t easy. Educating individuals about the impacts that they are having on the environment is usually not enough to produce a change in behaviour. As well as being knowledgeable about the issue at hand, it is also important that barriers to change are removed and that individuals can see the relevance of these topics to themselves.
Realizing this, YUNGA aims to deliver educational resources and experiences which trigger long term behaviour change. There are some proven ways of promoting this type of change:

1. Focus on specific, achievable behavioural change

2. Encourage action planning and empowerment

3. Challenge current behaviour and tackle barriers to action

4. Practise action skills

5. Spend time outdoors

6. Get families and communities involved

7. Make a public commitment

8. Monitor change and celebrate success

9. Lead by example
By emphasizing competency, action skills and problem solving, rather than solely raising awareness, programmes aiming to create pro-environmental behaviour change can have maximum impact.