
Los Jefes de la ONU ratifican la Iniciativa Global sobre Empleo Decente para los Jóvenes

24 November 2015
The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth (DJ4Y) has just been endorsed by the United Nations Chief Executives Board. The initiative aims to scale up action in support of youth employment. Read more:

Postulación a becas para jóvenes expertos del clima – en la región de Europa y Asia Central se aceptan aplicaciones de Kazakstán, Kirguistán, Tayikistán, Turkmenistán y Uzbekistán

20 November 2015
For young climate experts from transition and developing countries interested in conducting a project in Germany The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s fellowship programme allows future leaders to spend a year in Germany working on a research-based project of their own choice...

Día Universal del Niño

20 November 2015
"The one thing all children have in common is their rights. Every child has the right to survive and thrive, to be educated, to be free from violence and abuse, to participate and to be heard. " Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

AgroEstudiantes para el Futuro

19 November 2015
AgroStudents for the FutureThe international meeting for students who want to act!19-22 November 2015, Montpellier France We are the change makers!Students in agronomy and agribusiness, we may face significant issues. We soon will have...

Proyecto La Realidad del Clima

13 November 2015 will be holding an event in association with REC and The Climate Reality Project Friday, November 13th. This is a watch party of sorts to help pressure countries to sign an effective emission cuts agreement later this year in...