
YUNGA Tide Turners Plastic Challenge Lab

On 17 May 2022, United Nations Environmental Programme in collaboration with the Youth and United Nations Global Alliance (YUNGA) organized the Tide Turners Plastic Challenge Lab as part of the Education Track of the World Food Forum, to educate children about plastic pollution and to encourage them to play a part in resolving pressing environmental issues.

The Tide Turners Plastic Challenge Lab was held virtually over Zoom with 3 youth groups aged 10-13 years: a school class from India, a girl guide group from Sri-Lanka and a school class from Italy. The Lab introduced the basic facts about how plastic is threatening life in oceans and on land and how children can adopt daily habits and consumption patterns that eliminate the use and need for single use plastics.

Screenshot of the Lab held over Zoom

The Lab also introduced the Tide Turners toolkit which was developed in a collaboration between UN Environment, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, World Organization of Scout Movement, Junior Achievement and other partners. 

The badge aims to create a new movement of young people across the world who will be committing to take action to reduce plastic waste in their lives, at schools, and within the community. The badge has a series of levels and activities at each stage which must be completed to advance to the next level. This is meant to push young people to become aware of the issues threatening the planet, as well as to engage them in a fun and challenging undertaking which can lead to a sense of personal fulfilment in taking responsibility for the planet’s well-being. This badge also encourages the development of leadership skills and meaningful, impactful change-making.

After the session the children admitted that “the Lab inspired them to participate and advocate change in the world to do their part to tackle plastic pollution” (Dr. Nazia Khan, group leader from India).