Sumémonos a las mujeres rurales para poner fin al hambre y a la pobreza

Intensificar nuestra colaboración con las mujeres rurales
Women are the backbone of the rural economy. especially in the developing world, where they make up 43 percent of the agricultural labour force.
Kostas Stamoulis, FAO Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Development Department, talks about the importance of women empowerment and gender equality in rural communities, underlining the essential role of policy work.
Kostas Stamoulis, FAO Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Development Department, talks about the importance of women empowerment and gender equality in rural communities, underlining the essential role of policy work.
The video is part of a series of interviews for the high level event. The interview series is entitled – stepping it up with rural women – FAO in Asia and the Pacific. This is a video interview with the FAO Regional Gender Officer – Clara Park, in the Regional Office...
The video is part of a series of interviews for the high level event. The interview series is entitled – stepping it up with rural women – FAO in Near East and North Africa. This is a video interview with the FAO Regional Gender Officer – Malika A-Martini, in the Regional...
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