منصة المعارف عن الزراعة الإيكولوجية

Seminar on the Brazilian Policy on Agroecology and Organic Production: a view from the South-South Cooperation (Brazil-FAO-Colombia)

This activity is part of the South-South cooperation project called “Sembrando Capacidades”, whose objective is to improve differentiated public policies for peasant, family and community agriculture in Colombia, through the exchange of experiences with Brazil, in cooperation with FAO, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply of Brazil, and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency.

The seminar was held with the participation of the of the Federal Chamber of Deputies, the Brazilian Organic Institute, the National Articulation of Agroecology (ANA) and the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM).

 15/07/2020 - 15/07/2020
السنة: 2020
البلد/البلدان: Brazil, Colombia
التغطية الجغرافية: أمريكا اللاتينية والبحر الكاريبي
النص الكامل متاح على: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmISd8Ya1hs
لغة المحتوى: Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish
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النوع: حدث
Organization: FAO, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply of Brazil, and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency

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