Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

A Mixed Methods Exploration of the Role of Participation in a Nutrition-Sensitive Agroecology Intervention in Rural Tanzania

Participation is key to the successful implementation of nutrition-related interventions, but it has been relatively overlooked. This journal article sought to describe participation intensity among smallholder farmers in a randomized nutrition-sensitive agroecology study in rural Tanzania. The journal explored the association between baseline characteristics and overall participation intensity (quantitatively at the individual level and qualitatively at the group level), the association of participation intensity with two process indicators, and the association between participation intensity and key study outcomes.

It concludes that participatory intensity covaried with key study outcomes, suggesting the value of increased attention to implementation in nutrition-related programs for providing insights into drivers of impact. We hope that investigations of participation, including participation intensity, will become more widespread so that intervention impacts, or lack thereof, can be better understood.

Année: 2023
Pays: United Republic of Tanzania
Couverture géographique: Afrique
Langue: English
Author: Marianne Victoria Santoso, Halle Claire Petrie, Rachel Bezner Kerr, Charlotte Lane, Neema Kassim, Haikael Martin, Elias Mtinda, Esther Lupafya, Sera Young ,
Type: article de journal
