Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Historical synthesis and current news of urban and suburban agriculture in Cuba.

In 1987, the popularization of an organoponics program began in Cuba. In 1995 this movement was strengthened by the addition of “intensive gardening"" and was created by the National Commission for Organoponics and Intensive Orchards.

In 1997 a national system was organized and named as ""Urban Agriculture Movement"". Both Animal and Plant Kingdoms Sub-Programs and ""Support Sub-Programs"" were added, respectively.

In 2009 the concept of ""Suburban Agriculture"" was included and nowadays it refers to a National Program for Urban and Suburban Agriculture consisting of 29 Sub-Programs.

The aim of the National Program for Urban and Suburban Agriculture (AU-ASU) is to support local food self-sufficiency, that is: ""food production in the neighborhood, by the neighborhood and for the neighborhood."" Its purpose is to meet food needs of local population, employ agro-ecological technologies to modify and create a high degree of territorial sustainability for productive inputs, enhance the use of natural resources and farmers’ training. The producers are trained to enable them to achieve sustainability of even a courtyard.

The true potential of this production system lies on the producers, but in addition it is necessary to establish infrastructure programs in combination with local authorities to incorporate inputs and arrange implement supplies needed for the productive process, that is to say, acquiring a territorial autonomy in relation to materials such as seeds, organic fertilizers, bio-products for pest control, animal feed and other goods. It makes marketing and meeting demands for priority destinations (hospitals, schools, nursing homes) easier, besides processing postharvest surplus, trainings activities etc.

The high degree of independence or local sovereignty that AU-ASU has on food production is a key factor for achieving greater food security.

The strategy consists of giving support to conventional agriculture, with productions coming from small areas where a high number of producers are engaged, so that the productive process can be operated by themselves with only their own efforts. Individual producers, those organized in cooperatives, as well as producing families in the vicinity can support food demand of the neighborhood.

Title of publication: X Scientific Congress of Science and Technology
Lieu: Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
Année: 2014
Pays: Cuba
Couverture géographique: Amérique latine et les Caraïbes
Langue: English
Author: Adolfo Rodríguez Nodals ,
Type: Rapport de la Conférence
