Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Feeding the People: Agroecology for Nourishing The World and Transforming the Agri-Food System

In this brochure, we have brought together a number of experts who are well known in their respective fields. They share their visions of how agriculture can be transformed from its current, destructive form, to one that will help reverse the environmental damage done by industrial agriculture, and one which can feed the global population. While there is broad agreement that such a transformation is imperative for our collective human survival, the proposed trajectories of that transformation differ. How should it be achieved? Can it be achieved within the current economic framework – or will the transformation require an entirely new economic paradigm?

Title of publication: IFOAM EU Group,
Éditeur: IFOAM EU Group
Année: 2015
Langue: English
Author: Herren, H. , Hilbeck, A., Hoffmann, U., Home, R., Levidow, L., Muller, A., Nelson, E., Oehen, B., & Pimbert, M.
Type: Rapport
Organization: IFOAM EU Group
