Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Circular and solidarity economy: it reconnects producers and consumers and provides innovative solutions for living within our planetary boundaries while ensuring the social foundation for inclusive and sustainable development

Agroecology seeks to reconnect producers and consumers through a circular and solidarity economy that prioritizes local markets and supports local economic development by creating virtuous cycles. Agroecological approaches promote fair solutions based on local needs, resources and capacities, creating more equitable and sustainable markets. Strengthening short food circuits can increase the incomes of food producers while maintaining a fair price for consumers. These include new innovative markets, alongside more traditional territorial markets, where most smallholders market their products.

Social and institutional innovations play a key role in encouraging agroecological production and consumption. Examples of innovations that help link producers and consumers include participatory guarantee schemes, local producer’s markets, denomination of origin labelling, community supported agriculture and e-commerce schemes. These innovative markets respond to a growing demand from consumers for healthier diets.

Re-designing food systems based on the principles of circular economy can help address the global food waste challenge by making food value chains shorter and more resource-efficient. Currently, one third of all food produced is lost or wasted, failing to contribute to food security and nutrition, while exacerbating pressure on natural resources. The energy used to produce food that is lost or wasted is approximately 10 percent of the world’s total energy consumption, while the food waste footprint is equivalent to 3.5 Gt CO2 of greenhouse gas emissions per year.


The Common Agricultural Policy shapes how Europe produces food, but in many ways its no longer fit for purpose. In this video, Arc2020 and Friends of the Earth Europe spotlight the options and opportunities in the CAP for choosing farming methods which are good for people and the planet -...
Ecosystem restoration has the potential to significantly contribute to reversing biodiversity loss, supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation, and increasing societal well-being, including gender equality. This policy brief provides the lessons learned from an analysis of ecosystem restoration benefits. The work draws on the experiences of five successful restoration initiatives within...
Policy brief/paper
El Rancho Ecológico de Vía Orgánica es un modelo educativo de producción agrícola orgánica regenerativa y la vida sostenible. El Rancho es un centro de formación, contacto y colaboración para campesinos, familias y activistas. La visión del Rancho es luchar contra el cambio climático, la degradación ambiental y la pobreza rural...
This publication aims to provide an overview of actions and initiatives on Agroecology in Europe and Central Asia countries. There is enough evidence that agroecology contributes to more sustainable food systems, in particular to delivering food production while respecting natural resources, ecosystem services and social processes. However, to assure agroecology can...
Con motivo de las actividades y debates promovidos por el Gobierno Federal en el Mes de la Mujer, el MDA llevó a cabo un mini documental. El video muestra el resultado de las políticas públicas para las mujeres rurales. En el interior del Río Grande del Norte, por ejemplo, los...