
NEW Course - Agroecological Restoration: Resilience to climate change 22-25 July 2019 - El Dovio and Valle del Cauca (Colombia)

10/04/2019 - 

The Fifth International Course will tackle Agroecology, ecological restoration, agroforestry and agrosilvopastoral systems,  resilience to climate change, biodiversity and peasant-based agriculture. The course will be offered in Spanish by multidisciplinary speakers from academia, research institutions and civil society organizations.

If we wish to strengthen sustainability of the livelihoods in Latin America and the Caribbean, we need to adapt to the global climate changes to help ensure food security while also maintaining ecosystems services, by building ecosystems’ resilience to recover after extreme weather events such as droughts, frosts, hurricanes and floods. This course will offer the possibility to have a constructive dialogue among disciplines and forms of knowledge to lay the foundation for agroecological restoration. Agroforestry and agrosilvopastoral systems are analysed as examples of land use that applies Agroecological principles and ecological restoration  to strengthen resilience and sustainability of the agrolandscape. In parallel to the academic themes, a practical approach will be explored through field visits to a agroecological family farm located in the Natural Reserve El Hatico and to the agroecological Bellavista Community.


Registration by 15 June 2019 at [email protected]


For further information, please see: http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd31/V_Curso_RESTAURACION_AGROECOLOGICA_aviso1.pdf