
Organic Leadership Course, 22-29 June in Trakai, Lithuania

21/06/2019 - 

IFOAM- Organics International organizes the first residential session of the Organic Leadership Course will be held from 22 June to 29 June 2019 in Trakai, Lithuania. This beautiful region, filled with cultural sites and local charm, will give everyone the opportunity to visit organic farms and experience the emerging organic movement in Lithuania. The second residential session will take place near Nürnberg, Germany in mid-February 2020. This city is known for its innovative and sustainable forward thinking and dubbed the greenest city in Germany.

It is also the home of Biofach, the biggest organic trade fair in the world. The course will conclude at the opening of the fair and participants will have the chance to experience it for one day.

You will learn:

Understanding the Organic World

Gain an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of the organic sector and the ability to apply this knowledge at work in promotion, communication, and advocacy.

Institutional Management

Develop skills for organizational development, professional project management and the ability to forge strategic alliances for cross-sector collaboration.


Acquire up-to-date knowledge and the appropriate skills to communicate effectively both within and outside of your organization and sector.


Increase your understanding of the organic guarantee system underpinning the organic value chain. This will enhance your ability to drive and support Organic Agriculture and trade development.

Organic Services and Development

Better understand local and global support structures enabling you to strengthen the sector as a whole, and lead effective decision-making processes to achieve long-term sustainable development.


For more information bout the course click here

To find out more information about the trainers click here