
Producers from Argentina implement agroecological practices

17/01/2020 - 

The Municipality of Olavarria proclaims its commitment to agroecology by promoting agricultural production with an agroecological approach, in order to contribute to sustainable rural development in its ecological, economic and social aspects.

This was the main purpose of the meeting attended by farmers, professionals, technicians, referents of the local National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and the Faculty of Agronomy of Azul as well as representatives from different areas of the Secretariat of Economic Development.

The participants proposed areas of work at operational and institutional levels, as well as the possibility of designing technical assistance activities and trainings, led by professionals with experiences in different areas.


The attendees emphasized the need to work together to promote and disseminate agroecology as an alternative and viable production model for producers in the region and surrounding areas which will allow them to accelerate learning processes based on tested models. 


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