Asociación sobre el agua agrícola para África

Priorities Areas

AgWA is implementing several projects and activities in the African continent, with the aim of helping African countries to reach and maintain a higher path of economic growth through agriculturally led development that reduces poverty and food insecurity. Projects and activities are aligned with AgWA’s priority areas

The AgWA partnership will meet its overall objective by undertaking a range of activities around five key components:

Advocacy - Disseminating information on AWM and setting the topic on top of the national /international agenda;

Partner harmonization - Providing a platform for closer collaboration, policy-dialogue and harmonization between partners;

Resource mobilization - Increasing and sustaining the flow of resources towards AWM;

Generating and sharing knowledge - Facilitating knowledge-sharing and understanding of issues related to AWM;

Capacity building - Building the capacity for informed decision making at all levels of AWM.