Antimicrobial Resistance

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FAO and Pwani University in Kenya Pioneer the Farmer Field School Approach to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance

19 September 2023, Kilifi –The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in partnership with the Pwani University, is leading a transformative initiative to address the pressing issue of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). Supported by the Fleming Fund of [...]

FAO survey closely examines antimicrobial use in Armenia’s livestock sector

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) hosted a groundbreaking workshop that unveiled the findings of a pioneering survey on antimicrobials use (AMU) within the food and veterinary sector in Armenia. The survey, the first of its [...]

FAO participa en Taller sobre Alternativas al Uso de Antimicrobianos (ATA)

FAO destacó la contribución de las oportunidades nutricionales para la resiliencia frente a enfermedades y mitigación de la RAM. El 22 de agosto, en Quito, Ecuador, se llevó a cabo el Taller sobre Alternativas al Uso de Antimicrobianos (ATA) en [...]

Stakeholders across the One Health spectrum convened for global collaborative action against AMR

On 11 July, the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform held a virtual Information Session.  Over 90 stakeholders, who represent the Platform members, convened for the first time. The purpose of the meeting was to engage members and provide them [...]

CALL FOR MEMBERS: Community of Practice on Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a fundamental threat to the health of human, animal, plant, and environment with potential destabilizing effects in agrifood systems, livelihoods, and economies. Laboratory diagnostics play an essential role for informing the use of antimicrobials towards successful [...]

FAO y FEEDLATINA continúan su Alianza para responder a la RAM

Evento regional contó con la participación del sector privado y sector regulador, brindando desde una perspectiva regional elementos para atender desafíos desde las experiencias y reconocimiento mutuo Durante los días 26 y 27 de Julio del presente año, la Asociación de [...]

FAO divulga informativo para fomentar la aplicación de los textos del Codex sobre RAM

En el marco del proyecto ACT, FAO publica el folleto ACTÚA AHORA, con acciones prácticas para diferentes grupos objetivos en la lucha contra la RAM transmitida por los alimentos Mediante la publicación de un folleto que contiene recomendaciones de acciones dirigidas [...]

Fortifying veterinary training in fighting antimicrobial resistance

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has announced its commitment to assess the competence of veterinary graduates in the field of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and antimicrobial stewardship in selected countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central [...]

FAO presents actions for different stakeholders to combat foodborne antimicrobial resistance

The “Action to support implementation of Codex AMR texts (ACT)” project published a brochure to help individuals and organizations committed to tackling foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR) play their role. The brochure is available in English and Spanish. “We believe this brochure provides [...]

Autoridades Sanitarias del Perú profundizan la vigilancia integrada de la RAM para la toma de decisiones

Foro Internacional sobre Vigilancia de la RAM bajo el enfoque Una Salud, liderado por FAO, ejecutado en el marco del proyecto RAM-MPTF El 18 y 19 de julio, con el objetivo de relevar la RAM como problema emergente y creciente de [...]

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