Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission

Fishery livelihoods

This is a curated collection of technical documents that are relevant tolivelihoods in fisheries and aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region, with particulalr emphaisis on small-scale fisheries.

Asia Regional Workshop on SDG 14.b and Its Associated Indicator 14.b.1 was organized to: (i) Raise awareness about SDG 14.b and the proposed indicator 14.b.1; (ii) Explore the indicator methodology and related issues on data and information sources, analysis, reporting and validation; this included the use of the e-learning platform specifically created for this proposed indicator; (iii) Share experiences and lessons learned regarding the reporting and validation process...


This report showcases examples of actions taken by small-scale fishers and aquaculture farmers in Asia to restore the productivity of aquatic ecosystems. Small-scale fishers and fish farmers include some of the world’s most marginalized and impoverished people groups, yet their harvests account for over half of the world’s aquatic food production. The marine, coastal and freshwater ecosystems their livelihoods depend upon are degraded from human impacts and further at risk from climate change.


Fisheries and aquaculture contribute to food security and livelihoods of millions of people in Asia. Both women and men are engaged in fisheries and aquaculture. In the past ten years, many actors have worked on raising awareness on women’s contribution as well as promoting gender equality in fisheries and aquaculture. This study aims to consolidate the efforts to date to provide recommendations for action and future studies. Its objective is to answer the following...