Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission

Post-harvest, food safety, nutrition

This is a curated collection of technical documents that are relevant to trade, post-harvest, fish food safety and nutrition in relation to capture fisheries and aquaculture in the APFIC region.

Needham, S. & Funge-Smith, S. J. (2014) "The consumption of fish and fish products in the Asia-Pacific region based on household surveys". FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand . RAP Publication 2015/12. 87pp. Fish and fish products play a highly important role in the food and nutritional security of rural, urban and coastal populations throughout Asia and the Pacific. In many countries, catching or farming aquatic resources forms a vital part of rural people's livelihoods and...


The international consultant that RFLP engaged to conduct a feasibility study for the introduction of ice production and distribution in Timor-Leste, following pilot scale ice production and distribution, then developed a second phase proposal for an ice production and distribution system which was to be submitted to donors for funding consideration.


 FAO.  Technical guidelines on aquaculture certification. Rome, FAO. 2011. 122 pp. Global production from aquaculture is growing substantially and provides increasingly significant volumes of fish and other aquatic food for human consumption, a trend that is projected to continue. Although aquaculture growth has potential to meet the growing need for aquatic foods and to contribute to food security, poverty reduction and, more broadly, to achieving sustainable development and the Millennium Development Goals, it is increasingly...