FAO in Armenia

FAO supports the efforts of Armenian Government aimed to abattoir development in Armenia


The Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia Sergo Karapetyan hosted the Ambassador of Hellenic Republic in Armenia Ioannis Taghis and the Greek delegation. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the progress of “Support for Abattoir Development in Armenia” FAO implemented project funded by the Greek government.

“Within a project framework five new abattoirs with modern equipment will be set up and operational in different regions of Armenia. We are grateful to the Greek government for supporting Armenia in the years of economic crisis” said the Minister.
The Ambassador Ioannis Taghis also expressed his gratitude for a warm reception and he highlighted that the crucial part of Project activities has been already implemented.

Mr Grigorius Hatzioakimidis, Head of the supplying company of abattoir equipment stated that the main part of slaughterhouse equipment has been delivered to Armenia and installed in five slaughterhouses. He pointed out that the specialists-engineers of his company will visit Armenia at the end of September to access the progress of installation and construction works. Mr Hatzioakimidis mentioned that the slaughterhouses are expected to be ready for operational testing after 20 October of this year.

The Minister Sergo Karapetyan mentioned about the upcoming visit of the President of Greece Karolos Papoulias to Armenia. In the framework of the Presidential visit the Ministries of Agriculture of Armenia and Greece will sign agreements on future cooperation. Other business meetings are also planned.
Summarizing the meeting, the sides stressed also the importance of cooperation and expressed their content regarding the successful implementation of the Project and assured to continue bilateral cooperation in agricultural sector.