FAO in Armenia

FAO assists in raising the efficiency of soil in Armenia


In the framework of FAO implemented “Technical assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia for European Neighbourhood Partnership agriculture and rural development” (ENPARD) and “Support for adoption and promotion of modern crop management practices in Armenia” projects a workshop on issues encountered in the use and conservation of agricultural land, as well as in raising its efficiency, took place today, with participation of G. Petrosyan, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Avetik Nersisyan, FAO Plant and Protection Officer, representatives of the sector, farmers and other stakeholders.

The aim of the workshop was to analyze the current status of agricultural land management, problems of land erosion, impact of climate change and desertification on soil fertility, as well as to discuss issues of raising the efficiency of land cultivation by way of proposing more efficient technologies widely in use all over the world, such as conservation agriculture, minimum cultivation of land, as well as no-tillage technology. The mechanical (traditional) tilling is rooted in Armenia marked by multiple tilling of land with application of heavy machinery, including deep tillage of soil by plough having adverse effects on soil fertility and promoting erosion.
Sandra Corsi, International expert, presented the international practice of land cultivation and fertility conservation, as well as contemporary challenges in the process of sustainable agriculture.

EU has allocated 25 million euros for implementation of ENPARD in Armenia, of which 20 million will be provided to the Government of Armenia as a direct budget support for sustainable and comprehensive development of agriculture and rural communities, and 5 million – as additional support.
As a part of additional support the EU has requested FAO to provide technical assistance in several areas, including sustainable use and management of agricultural produce and natural resources.
The objective of the “Support for adoption and promotion of modern crop management practices in Armenia” Project is technical assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture of Armenia in design of strategy for Support to adoption and promotion of modern crop management practices.