FAO in Armenia

FAO and Armenia sign five-year cooperation agreement


Minister of Agriculture of Armenia Ignati Araqelyan and Raimund Jehle, FAO Representative for Armenia, signed the new Armenia-FAO Country Programmming Framework at a signing ceremony here today.

Healthy livestock and crops, safe food, improved levels of nutrition, reduced poverty, and better management of disaster risk are priorities in the new agreement. FAO will make expertise available to support policies aimed at increased competitiveness and improvement of livelihoods for farmers, foresters and fisherfolk, and coping with the challenges of climate change. The new programming framework addresses the needs of women and men at different stages of life, and the needs of the most disadvantaged.

Since the land reform of the early 1990s, Armenian agriculture has been strongly characterized by smallholders and family farms. FAO-Armenia collaboration will focus on improving the productivity and competitiveness of smallholders, and enhancing livelihoods and reducing poverty among disadvantaged groups.

“The priorities outlined in this agreement are very much people-oriented,” said Jehle. “It recognizes the importance of smallholders and family farms in Armenia, and makes specific provisions to assist and support those people. At the same time, it helps the country move forward in ways that value and protect Armenia’s natural resources, and build resilience for coping with natural disasters if and when they come.”

The agreement was drawn up following consultations with Ministries and government agencies, discussions with resource partners including the European Union, Austrian Development Agency and Swiss Development Cooperation, and with development partners including other United Nations agencies.

'Currently we are facing challenges and are looking forward to the assistance from international entities and foreign partners, including Food and Agriculture Organization,' mentions Ignati Araqelyan, the Minister of Agriculture of Armenia. While indicating the priority areas, the Minister has highlighted the importance of establishng intensive orchards, efficient usage of water resources, introduction of drip irrigation systems and anti-hail nets.  

The FAO-Armenia Country Programming Framework indicates priority interventions in the country in direct support of Armenia’s Prospective Development Strategy for the 2016-2025 period, where agricultural development is one of the key priority sectors. It also foresees further exploration of export potentials for the food industry as a a critical contributor to creating jobs and stimulating regional development.

The new Country Programming Framework is designed to bring together current international best practices and standards with national and regional expertise. The agreement covers the 2016-20 period.