FAO in Armenia

Soil degradation is an important issue in Armenia


Workshop on 'Climate change impact on soil degradation and fertility conservation agriculture for climate change adaptation and mitigation' has been organized within the framework of the ENPARD 'Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture' project. The results of studies about the impact of climate change on soil degradation and fertility in Armenia, made by project experts and the package of practical actions, aimed at introduction and promotion of best practices in sustainable soil management were presented during the workshop.

Ashot Harutyunyan, RA Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Avetiq Nersisyan, FAO REU Plant production and protection officer, representatives of RA Ministeries, international and local organizations, Agricultural Support Centers and other stakeholders participated in the workshop. The draft outline of the 'Assistance with the introduction and promotion of sustainable management of soil fertility in Armenia,' developed by FAO within the project, was presented to the partcipants. The project is based on the experience of FAO in conservation agriculture.  'The project implementation will enable increasing the sustainability and adaptability of farming systems in Armenia, which will lead to the decrease of the negative impact of climate chnages on the agricultural production.' mentions Garnik Petrosyan, the project agrricultural expert.