FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

August floods: recovery and opportunity for more sustainable agricultural cultivation

16/02/2009 the Lao People's Democratic Republic

Vientiane - The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), with support from FAO, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding for an emergency assistance package that will allow the distribution of improved rice varieties seeds, vegetables seeds, cash crop seeds and training focusing on better agricultural cultivation practices in flood devastated areas in Vientiane, Bolikhamxay and Khammouane provinces.

The MOU was signed by Bounthong Buahom, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Serge Verniau, FAO Representative in Lao PDR, and witnessed by the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ty Phommasack.

The project "Emergency assistance to support the rehabilitation of the livelihoods of flood affected families" is valued at $US 479 000, and is expected to directly benefit some 6 650 families.

It follows the success of another emergency rehabilitation project, "Emergency agricultural response to flood affected farmers in Lao", implemented at the end of last year. From September to December 2008, the project delivered 150 tonnes of rock phosphate fertilisers, 50 tonnes of common fertilizers, 32.2 tonnes of improved rice varieties seeds and numerous technical training material, valued at $US 199 873, in the provinces of Vientiane (Toulakhom district) and Bolikhamxay (Paksan, Thappabath, Pakkading districts).

Around 1 500 ha and 2 280 families have directly benefited from the previous project.

"The new project targets heavily floaded and destroyed areas that are core agricultural production zones of Central Lao situated along the Mekong river and its tributaries. This includes rice, cash crop and vegetable production and kitchen gardens which are economically and nutritionally important for rural and urban families," says Brice Pletsers, FAO Emergency Coordinator.

"Some of the past cultivation techniques were not sustainable. This new project is an opportunity - in the short term to provide quality agricultural inputs - and in the longer term to introduce, develop and see the use of better farming practices" Mr Pletsers added.

MAF and FAO are working in close collaboration with staff in provincial agriculture and forestry offices, directors and technicians of the district agriculture and forestry offices, and international organisations, to conduct villages’ needs assessment and to provide inputs that flood affected farmers have lost and therefore need in order to restart farming.

"It has been said that people tend to react to losses, not too needs. The objective of this project is for not just emergency rehabilitation for flood affected areas, but also to take a long term, needs based approach, to introduce, develop and see the use of better farming practices," says Serge Verniau, FAO Representative in Lao PDR.

"I wish to congratulate the government of Lao and the ministry for their foresight in recognizing that future work will be not only in rehabilitation but also with a large emphasis on natural disaster management and preparedness,” stressed Mr Verniau.

Press release issued by the office of the FAO Representative in Lao PDR. Contact Siena Perry at [email protected] or Larissa Bruun at [email protected]

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