FAO in Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh – Forests cover 14.1 percent of Bangladesh’s land area and contribute 1.29 percent to the gross national income. These are two of the key findings from the Bangladesh Forest Inventory (BFI), presented today by the Forest Department. The BFI, developed by the Forest Department with technical expertise from FAO...
Dhaka, Bangladesh – the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Economic Relations Division (ERD), Ministry of Finance, have signed agreements for an emergency food and nutrition project in the Haor region, as well as a project to reduce rabies in Bangladesh. The ‘Emergency support to strengthen...
Dhaka, Bangladesh – FAO and the Government of Japan have launched a new project that will provide emergency assistance for highly vulnerable Haor communities affected by COVID-19. It will provide innovative support to strengthen food security by boosting agricultural productivity and helping farmers sell their produce, while ensuring safe conditions that...
Dhaka, Bangladesh – A landmark national inventory of Bangladesh’s forests has been given official approval by the Ministry for Environment, Forest and Climate Change. The inventory, developed by the Bangladesh Forest Department with technical expertise from FAO and support from USAID, details forest resources and the factors that influence changing demands...
  In the weeks following Bangladesh’s first recorded COVID-19 case in early March, the Government of Bangladesh initiated a countrywide lockdown to contain the virus’ outbreak. Vehicles carrying medicine, fuel and perishable items were exempt from the restrictions, but agricultural supply chains were heavily disrupted. The country’s farmers, most of them small-scale producers,...