FAO in Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh – A senior FAO locust expert today described the risk to Bangladesh of a large-scale invasion of desert locusts as ‘practically nil’. Keith Cressman, Senior Locust Forecasting Officer, stressed that the country remained at very low risk, during a presentation organised jointly by the Ministry of Agriculture, FAO, and...
FAO Bangladesh has hosted its first COVID-19 scientific research webinar, in support of the country's health emergency response. Research has been constantly revealing new findings about the virus. Remaining up-to-date on the latest insights and guidance is a major challenge for everyone, even technical advisors.To help address this issue, experts...
Dhaka, Bangladesh- The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has supplied thousands of pheromone traps to farmers in Bangladesh to support the country in the battle against fall armyworm (FAW). This invasive pest can cause serious damage to food production. It is capable of attacking more than 80...
Agriculture remains the most important sector of Bangladesh’s economy but it is being held back by a lack of economic competitiveness. The sector consists mainly of smallholder producers who often struggle to compete commercially and whose resilience to shocks and change is fragile. The Smallholder Agricultural Competitiveness Project (SACP) is working...
The event, which was held in Cox’s Bazar, brought together women from different communities and sectors who showed inspiring leadership. “All of our community women changemakers present today are true fighters,” said Md. Mahbub Alam Talukder, the Refugee, Relief and Repatriation Commissioner (RRRC) of the Government of Bangladesh. “This fight is...