FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium


The current situation of the EU agricultural markets following the war in Ukraine was one of the main topics at the plenary meeting of the Natural Resources Section of the...
You are the Director of the FAO Office of Emergencies and Resilience. Could you tell us a bit about the work of your office? The Office of Emergencies and Resilience is...
The FAO Liaison Office in Brussels organized an online briefing to the EU institutions and EU Member States on the ongoing war in Ukraine and its impacts on food security...
The Director of FAO's Office of Sustainable Development Goals (OSG) Stefanos Fotiou addressed the European Parliament Committee on Development (DEVE) and Members of the European Economic and Social Committee on...
The escalating war in Ukraine is affecting an estimated 18 million people and forcing massive population displacement. Nearly 3.5 million people have fled the country, and an estimated 6.48 million...
The Chair of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) Ambassador Gabriel Ferrero y de Loma-Osorio of Spainas visited Brussels for a two-day mission. He briefed the European Parliament Committee...
What is the real value of food? What are the challenges for making food more sustainable in the future? What are the true food price mechanisms and what is the...
Halting deforestation is essential for ending hunger, addressing the climate crisis and ensuring the livelihoods of rural and indigenous communities, while sustaining wildlife and biodiversity. This requires a combination of...
by Qu Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Over the past two years, COVID-19 has presented many challenges to global food security. Today,...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is rapidly scaling up its efforts to respond to urgent food security needs resulting from the unfolding war in Ukraine,...
The FAO Liaison Office Brussels celebrated International Women’s Day with calls to the global community to focus on removing barriers that hold back women’s contribution to food security. This year’s...
Tourism in rural areas can play a pivotal role in supporting local economies. Aside from diversifying farmers’ incomes, it raises awareness of the significance of rural areas for food security...
Academia and research institutions, as innovation and knowledge hubs, are crucial partners for FAO in achieving the organization’s strategic priorities and in the realization of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. On...
On 5 February 1997, the FAO Liaison Office was established in Brussels, a city that was already playing host to a number of international and intergovernmental organizations. Working closely with...
“When you own the land, you have a responsibility to take care of it, to ensure that your family benefits from it. Not only that. Land ownership secures your children...
Achieving development through knowledge acquisition, that is where the FAO elearning Academy plays a central role in the Organization's strategy to provide learning opportunities and multilingual e-learning courses for professionals...
The Sahel is a region full of potential – with tremendous human capital, rich natural resources and substantial renewal energy opportunities. However, the region is plagued by insecurity that continues...
 In the run-up to the European Union–African Union summit, FAO and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) co-organized an event that zoomed in on the close links between rural development...
At the invitation of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which took office on 1 January, FAO Brussels Director Raschad Al-Khafaji briefed delegates of the European...
Throughout human history, oceans have provided food and livelihoods for people on the planet. In more recent times, consumption of aquatic foods has grown at twice the rate of population...