Passerelle sur la production laitière et les produits laitiers


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Indian dairy farmer Divyaben Mehulbhai Bharwad explains what happens every day to ensure the milk her family produces is safe.  
A group of outstanding women have established a small dairy production unit to sell quality ghee, cheese and butter across Deir Ez-Zor, and broader. This is a result of practical learning...
The video produced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Albania, directs attention to the importance of healthy school meals and local public procurement solutions. This...
The video showcases two successful examples of dairy farms in the Southern and Northern parts of Kazakhstan that have implemented digital technologies to achieve economic benefits, efficient utilization of workers'...
The video showcases the significant positive impacts of the UN project "Earthquake Recovery Support through the UN SDG Acceleration Fund." Funded by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United...
The Operation Flood programme, which launched in 1970, transformed India from a dairy-deficient nation into the global leader in milk production. Millions of small-scale dairy farmers have more than doubled...
In the Asia-Pacific region, FAO is working with its Member Nations to help them advance to the 2030 Agenda by achieving the Four Betters: better production, better nutrition, better environment...
Water is the basic for dairy cows to produce milk. Cows are enjoying the clean water from a borehole supported by Rwanda Dairy Development Project (RDDP), financed by IFAD in...
Georgia has a rich cultural heritage and boasts a wealth of traditional food products.  This is Georgia’s famous Sulguni cheese.  Nearly every household in the Samegrelo region makes this cheese.
Can young dairy farmers tap growing opportunities while helping to curb greenhouse gases? What are the opportunities and challenges in dairying in Kenya?
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