The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD)

Action Area 5 – Global FMD control

The overall objective of the 15-year Global FMD Control Strategy launched in 2012 is to reduce the burden of FMD on livestock productions in endemic countries, thereby contributing to poverty alleviation and improving livelihoods, and to contribute to the maintenance of FMD-free statuses so that the global and regional trade in animals and animal products is safer and eventually expanded.

The FAO-WOAH Global FMD control strategy includes three components: (i) improving global FMD control using the Progressive Control Pathway tool; (ii) strengthening Veterinary Services and while achieving the first two, (iii) contributing to the control of other transboundary animal diseases.

The two key sub-activities:

  • 5.1 Implementation of Progressive Control Pathway for FMD 
    • Enrich the PCP-FMD toolkit to assist endemic countries in their progression along the PCP-FMD.
    • Develop training for Veterinary Services, laboratories and other relevant animal health service providers and deliver training directly or through FAO Virtual Learning Centers to support countries in PCP-FMD progression.
    • Provide technical and operational assistance to the GF-TADs FMD Working Group in the implementation of its work programme considering EuFMD priorities and development. This includes the PCP-FMD support officers (PSOs) system.
  • 5.2 Countries progress in FMD control
    • Provide tailored assistance to countries or regions considered at high-risk for Europe, according to the different PCP-FMD Stages.
    • Facilitate the establishment of cross-border collaborations between countries in areas considered at risk for EuFMD Member Nations.
    • Explore the feasibility to adapt PRAGMATIST to FMD endemic regions to improve their capacity to identify vaccine antigen tailored to the regional risks.