Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

SAMUDRA Report No.77, September 2017

Comment: Working for Fishers, Analysis - C188: Truly Sustainable by Brandt Wagner et al., Brazil - Fishermen: A Backbreaking Struggle by Ana Paula Rainho, Peru - Labour: Against the Current by Juan Carlos Sueiro et al., New Zealand - Labour: Exploited, Blacklisted, Destitute by Christina Stringer et al., Ireland - Fishworkers: Confronting a Scandal by Sam Dawson, West Africa - Illegal Fishing: The Black Hole in the Seas by Dyhia Belhabib, Ghana - Child Labour: No Child’s Play by Peter Linford Adjei, Tanzania - Labour: Fraught with Danger by Rosemarie N.Mwaipopo, Canada - Human Rights: Rightfully Unfair by Dan Edwards, Canada - Policymaking: Down Home No More? by Marc Allain, Analysis - Fish Trade: Needed: A New Paradigm by Mariaeleonora D’Andrea, Philippines - Tuna Fishers: Pillars of Decent Work by Brenalyn A. Peji, Fiji - Women: Entry Points for Gender by Aliti Vunisea, Report - Films; Life Afloat by Alain Le Sann, Report - Ocean Conference: Learning from the Ocean by Robert Panipilla, Roundup, News, Events, Briefings and More...

Issue: 77
ISSN: 0973-1121
Auteur: ICSF
Année: 2017
Type: Revue spécialisée
Langue: English
