Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Insecticides Make High Quality Eggplant (Brinjal) Production in India Possible

Brinjal, also known as eggplant or aubergine, is native to India and has been cultivated in the country for over 4000 years. A total of 1.4 million small family farms grow brinjal on 550,000 hectares. It is an important cash crop for poor farmers, who transplant it from nurseries at different times of the year to produce two or three crops. Brinjal provides a steady stream of food for the family; it also provides a stable income from market sales for most of the year serving as a vehicle for reducing poverty in rural areas [1]. India produces 8 to 9 million tons, equivalent to one quarter of the global production.

Том: 54
Издатель: CropLife Foundation
Автор: Leonard Gianessi
Другие авторы: Ashley Williams
Организация: CropLife Foundation
Год: 2012
Страна/страны: India
Географический охват: Азии и Тихого океана
Категория: Тематическое исследование
Язык контента: English

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