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Permaculture Paradise Institute

Non-governmental organization
Permaculture Paradise Institute (PPI) is a local non-profit demonstration and training center that promotes household-level permaculture systems in Malawi, located in Langa village Mchinji district. The PPI provides low-cost social economic and ecologically-sound training to local farmers, entrepreneurs, non-governmental organizations as well as government. In a country where approximately 80%...

Community Links and Human Empowerment Initiative

Non-governmental organization
Community Links and Human Empowerment Initiative (CLHEI) is a non-governmental organization established to ameliorate life of communities, especially the youths, women, aged and vulnerable children. The organization complements government’s efforts by reaching out to people in the communities at the grassroots level, by addressing issues of community development, health, environment, peace...

Mattlawie Ecological Regenerative Center

Non-governmental organization
Mattlawie Ecological Regenerative Center is an ecological-based organization and a registered non-profit organization in Ghana. Their vision is for humans, animals and nature to peacefully and happily co-exist in their ecological center/ community; therefore, it wants to create an amazing example of regenerative/sustainable agriculture and sustainable living in this region,...

Green Brigade DR Congo

Non-governmental organization
Green Brigade DR Congo is an NGO working to promote climate change solutions, protect water, forest and climate for a sustainable development of vulnerable communities, and to build adaptation capacity to climate change. In Lake Kivu Basin Eastern of DR Congo, the group is planting trees, educating farmers on Agroecology...
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Network of National Coordination Committee of the International Year of Family Farming +10 The Gambia

Farmers' organization
The Network of National Coordination Committee of the International Year of Family Farming +10 Gambia was established in 2013, focusing on advocacy and lobbying policies in favor of family farming. It has been officially recognized by the Gambian government in 2016 as platform for policy dialogue. It consists of 17...

Institut Africain pour le Développement économique et social-Centre africain de Formation

Non-governmental organization
Inades-Formation Togo est créée en 1972 et a signé un accord de coopération avec le Gouvernement Togolais. L’Association nationale est structurée autour d’une Assemblée Générale (AG) composée de quarante (47) membres qui détermine les orientations générales et contrôle l’exécution des programmes d’intervention. Elle travaille sur cinq (5) programmes structurants, à...

Centre for Agriculteur ans Rural Développent in Mali

Civil society
Cette organisation de la société civile intervient dans le développement agricole et rural par la promotion d'une croissance inclusive et durable dans le secteur agricole. Les activités de l'organisation sont : le soutien et le renforcement des capacités des agriculteurs et des exploitations agricoles, la recherche et le conseil agricoles,...

Center for Environmental Education and Development

Civil society
The Center for Environmental Education and Development is a lead name in the execution of projects and campaign on environmental sustainability. The organization works with institutions, communities and government on the execution of its work, consisting of providing capacity building and training services.

Comité National de l'Agricultyure Familiale du Niger

Civil society
Le CNAF Niger est une faitière des faitières. Les membres fondateurs du CNAF - Niger sont la Plateforme paysanne du Niger, le Réseau des Chambres d'Agriculture du Niger, la plateforme d'Agro-écologie et l'ONG Enda Énergie Niger. Elle est ouverte à touts autres structures faitières du Niger ainsi qu'aux ONG et...

Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques

Institution de formation et de recherche en sciences agronomiques, ouverte en mars 1963 sous l’appellation d’Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique (ENSA), pour devenir plus tard l’Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques, l’ESSA est l’unique établissement public de formation d’Ingénieurs Agronomes à Madagascar. L’ESSA assure la formation de professionnels, de chercheurs et de...

Somaliland AgroVet Action

Non-governmental organization
Somaliland Agro VetAction is non profit and local NGO based in Somaliland with its HQ office at Hargeisa. It was founded in 2019 as a relief and development organisation by national livestock veterinary and agricultural scholars who were devoted to combat poverty and hunger challenges repeatedly faced by poor livestock herders...

Tranoben'ny Tantsaha Mpamokatra

La Tranoben’ny Tantsaha a pour objectifs d'améliorer les niveaux de vie des Producteurs, de développer les secteurs Agricoles et de renforcer les Organisations des Producteurs existantes. Missions de la Tranoben'ny Tantsaha Mpamokatra: Représente les producteurs dans le développement rural; défenseur de l'intérêt des producteurs; rend et émet des propositions sur l’ensemble...

Nigerian Women Agro Allied Farmers Association

Farmers' organization
The Nigerian Women Agro Allied Farmers Association (NIWAAFA) is a women farmers association formed in 2006 by four women from the major tribes of Nigeria. The association has over 7600 registered members across 36 States. The focus of the organization is to promote agricultural women's empowerment by training up women...

University of KwaZulu-Natal

The School of Agricultural, Earth and Environmental Sciences has a three part mission of teaching, research and community engagement. The School strives to provide a learning environment that prepares students to acquire skills necessary for meeting societal needs. It seeks to produce wholesome graduates who are not only technically qualified,...
South Africa

Isaa agricole

C'est une association de femmes qui regroupe plus des 100 femmes pour l agriculture familiale et organise des conférence et débat, sensibilisation etc.
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Agri4young, Un réseau de partage des connaissances et des opportunités en agriculture

Civil society
Créé en 2013, Agri4Young est un réseau mis en place pour échanger et partager des opportunités et des informations utiles entre les acteurs intervenant dans le domaine agricole notamment les jeunes des pays ACP-UE. Suite à la conférence internationale ICT4Ag tenue au Rwanda le 4 au 8 Novembre 2013, certains jeunes...

Impaka Agricultural Project

Non-governmental organization
engaged on agricultural production from vegetable, cereal and fruits the program has five farms in Tanzania.
United Republic of Tanzania

Nascita Agrifoods

Nascita Agrifoods est une entreprise , fournisseur de services d'appui conseils en agrobusiness et sécurité alimentaire.

National Agricultural Research Institute

The organization is the only Agricultural research institute in the country hat is mandated by an act of parliment to to provide technical solutions to the problems of producers and inform policy makers on options to increase agricultural production and productivity by conducting applied client oriented and adaptive research...

Association Nationale des Femmes agricultrices du Bénin

Farmers' organization
L'ANaF-BENIN est une organisation paysanne des femmes agricultrices du Bénin d'envergure nationale. Elle travaille pour la satisfaction des besoins pratiques des femmes agricultrices et la défense des intérêts stratégiques des femmes agricultrices.
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