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Статья информационного бюллетеня
Agricultura agroecológica faz resgate na Mata Atlântica

Osório (RS) – O Brasil é o país da diversificação de povos, de culturas, de territórios, de sistemas de produção da agricultura familiar. Esta é uma das características das Caravanas Agroecológicas que a ANA organiza: mostrar as diferentes realidades do país, seus conflitos e suas vitórias diante do agronegócio e...
2016 - Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia (ANA)

Статья в блоге
Using Agroforestry to Save the Planet

Agroforestry—the use of trees in farming—benefits both farmers and the environment. According to a recent report by Biodiversity International, the Center for International Forestry Research, the World Agroforestry Centre, and Charles Sturt University, forests contribute to the livelihoods of more than 1.6 billion people. Yet, 30 percent of the world’s forests...
2016 - FoodTank

Журнальная статья
Access and benefit sharing of genetic resources for family farmers: Theory and practice

Only a small number of governments have established meaningful and effective farmer-centred measures for the implementation of access and benefit sharing of genetic resources. One reason is the highly complex nature of the international regulatory system. This special issue of Farming Matters magazine presents practical ways in which access and...
Brazil - China - India - Nepal - Peru - Zimbabwe
2016 - ILEIA - centre for learning on sustainable agriculture

New value chains from multifunctional forests

EU forests serve a wide range of economic, social and environmental purposes and provide around three million jobs. Wood remains the main source of financial revenue and forest biomass represents the biggest source of renewable energy in the EU. However, forests also provide a large range of other products, such...
European Union
2016 - EIP-Agri

Making a difference: helping forest and farm producers meet the SDGs

New information materials (a video and five factsheets) are providing important insight into the Forest and Farm Facility’s (FFF) work at country, regional and global level. The FFF, a partnership comprising FAO, IIED and IUCN hosted by FAO, has developed a model delivery mechanism for multi-stakeholder actors to improve the...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

As sementes (Las Semillas)

Este documental (30 min), filmado en el  2015 retrata la vida de cuatro mujeres agricultoras que participan de los movimientos agroecológicos en Brasil. Son mujeres que se organizan tanto en movimientos autónomos (sólo de mujeres) como también de movimientos mixtos (como el sindical, de lucha por la tierra, etc.) y...
2016 - Grupo de Trabajo del Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO) Mujeres, agroecología y economía solidaria

Forest and Farm Facility. Making a difference.

This video shows preliminary results of the implementation of the FFF in its 10 partner countries and at regional and global level. Through witnesses of forest and farm producers, government representatives, and FFF Steering Committee members, it illustrates some of the value added and impact of the FFF support on...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics - 2015

Globalisation, climate change, population growth and urbanisation are all having an impact on the world’s agriculture. Through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which accounts for the biggest share of the EU budget, the EU is driving developments in this strategic sector. Latest figures show that farming employs over 20 million...
2016 - European Union

Тематическое исследование
Formas associativas na produção de alimentos

A experiência da regional toronjil - Rede de Agroecología de Uruguay
Esta investigação tem por objetivo compreender as posibilidades e os limites das organizações coletivas associadas à produção de alimentos a partir das relações de trabalho estabelecidas pelos agricultores familiares da região de Toronjil (rede de agroecología do Uruguai – RAU). A análise das relações estabelecidas pelos Agricultores Familiares (AF) se pautou...
2016 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brasil

Тематическое исследование
Ressignificação dos papéis sociais de mulheres na agricultura familiar de base agroecológica

Esta dissertação analisa as ressignificações havidas na posição e no papel social das mulheres inseridas no contexto da transição de um modelo de produção convencional para a agroecologia. A partir de uma fundamentação teórica que buscou correlacionar os conceitos de gênero e agroecologia, objetivou-se analisar até que ponto a participação...
2016 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Desarrollo forestal empresarial por comunidades

Guía práctica para promotores forestales comunitarios en los trópicos americanos
Con el fin de contribuir a superar obstáculos y deficiencias y mejorar el desempeño de las iniciativas de FC como actividad comercial generadora de beneficios económicos y ambientales, la FAO y el CATIE unieron esfuerzos para desarrollar la presente guía. Se trata de una guía práctica que recoge las experiencias...
2016 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Payments for Forest Environmental Services in Sub-Saharan Africa

A practical guide
This publication responds to calls in regional and global forestry forums to strengthen capacity for effectively developing and implementing payment schemes for environmental services in sub-Saharan Africa. In particular, the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission, at its 18th session, called for enhancement of the institutional capacities of member countries and...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Статья в блоге
How Nordic countries can inspire the EU’s bioenergy policy

The forest not only supplies the raw material for paper and solid wood products, it also has a great potential for renewable energy production. As the EU designs its energy and climate policy for post-2020, it is essential to consider this remarkable asset. Without a congruent EU bioenergy policy with the...
European Union - Sweden
2016 - ÉuroActiv

Exhibits on Google Cultural Institute

Fundația ADEPT Transilvania  is listed among the 1.000 worldwide cultural institutions on the Google Cultural Institute, which brings together millions of artifacts from multiple partners, with the stories that bring them to life, in a virtual museum
2016 - Google

Информационный бюллетень
Regional Office for Africa Quarterly Newsletter for a Hunger-Free Africa: May - August 2016

This Edition of RAF Newsletter captures the key projects and success stories of FAO across the subregion of Africa. It also present to readers news highlights and titbits of FAO activities in focus.
Central African Republic - Djibouti - Eritrea - Ghana - Sierra Leone - Somalia
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Regional workshop for Africa: Towards productive, sustainable and inclusive agriculture, forestry and fisheries in support to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

In September 2015, countries adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This will shape their development programmes in a transformational way for the next 15 years. At the last FAO Regional Conference for Africa, held in Abidjan in April 2016, many delegates asked the organization to assist countries in their...
Cameroon - Chad - Côte d'Ivoire - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Mali - Mozambique - Rwanda - Zambia
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Раздел книги
Agroforestry establishment and protection on degraded land in western Viti Levu, Fiji

The benefits of establishing mixed-species agroforestry in Pacific island countries are widely recognised. There is some underutilised land in western Viti Levu in Fiji, including in areas marginal for sugarcane where planting has ceased due to low profitability, and in areas where unproductive grasses are subject to regular burning. Two...
2016 - Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Government of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to consider Rural Development Program 2016-2020

At its 58th session held in Mostar on 16 June  2016, the Government of Federation of BiH considered the Rural Development Program of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2016-2020.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
2016 - Government of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Second Training of Trainers – Strengthening Forest Tenure for Sustaining Livelihood and Generating Income

Strong and secure forest tenure for forest dependent communities is a necessary condition for improved income and sustainable livelihoods. However, in many Asian countries community tenure is generally weak and contested. This commonly results in conflict. Strengthening the forest tenure systems is necessary if forest dependent communities are to benefit...
2016 - FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Bangkok, Thailand

Тематическое исследование
Innovaciones de impacto. Lecciones sobre adaptación al cambio climático de la agricultura familiar en América Latina y El Caribe

Concurso de casos exitosos FONTAGRO 2015
FONTAGRO organizó un concurso con el fin de identificar casos exitosos de adaptación al cambio climático en la agricultura familiar, y difundir las lecciones aprendidas. El concurso fue realizado en alianza con el proyecto llamado “Mecanismos y Redes de Transferencia de Tecnología Relacionada con el Cambio Climático en América Latina y el Caribe” financiado por el Fondo...
Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Colombia - Costa Rica - El Salvador - Haiti - Mexico - Nicaragua - Peru
Total results:910