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Sam's story: why are we researching silvopasture design?

The Devon Silvopasture Network are undertaking a 12 year trial in which six farms and a research farm are being supported to design and implement the integration of trees into their livestock farms. The trial has a mixture of cluster planting, regular spacing and shelterbelts being planted. Little research has...
2023 - Innovative Farmers

Maize stover transfers from maize fields to banana-based agroforestry homegardens and the corresponding nutrient flows in central-northern Tanzania

Maize (Zea mays) stover produced in the drier lowland areas on the volcanic foot slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro serves as an important additional fodder for smallholder zero-grazed dairy cattle farming in the humid highland areas of the region. The obtained cattle manure is used to replenish nutrients and manage soil...
United Republic of Tanzania

Seb's story: why are we researching silvopasture design?

The Devon Silvopasture Network are undertaking a 12 year trial in which six farms and a research farm are being supported to design and implement the integration of trees into their livestock farms. The trial has a mixture of cluster planting, regular spacing and shelterbelts being planted. Little research has...
2023 - Innovative Farmers

Andy's story: why are we researching silvopasture design?

The Devon Silvopasture Network are undertaking a 12 year trial in which six farms and a research farm are being supported to design and implement the integration of trees into their livestock farms. The trial has a mixture of cluster planting, regular spacing and shelterbelts being planted. Little research has...
2023 - Innovative Farmers

Carolyn's story: why are we researching silvopasture design?

The Devon Silvopasture Network are undertaking a 12 year trial in which six farms and a research farm are being supported to design and implement the integration of trees into their livestock farms. The trial has a mixture of cluster planting, regular spacing and shelterbelts being planted. Little research has...
2023 - Innovative Farmers

XVI Reunión de la Comisión de Desarrollo Ganadero para América Latina y el Caribe (CODEGALAC)

La XVI Reunión de la Comisión de Desarrollo Ganadero para América Latina y el Caribe (CODEGALAC) se celebrará en modalidad virtual, del 11 al 13 de julio de 2023, y el anfitrión será el Gobierno de Ecuador. La ceremonia de inauguración se llevará a cabo a las 10:00 horas de Quito, el...
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Inspirational ideas: Chickens are going mobile - Increasing the utilisation of mobile housing for laying hens in organic farming

Mobile housing for laying hens can contribute to improving animal welfare and the quality of the eggs while reducing impact on the environment. However, their uptake remains limited as they also present a number of risks, such as vulnerability to predators. A German Operational Group based in Rhineland-Palatinate designed, tested...
European Union
2023 - EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Network

Информационный бюллетень
The Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest (April 2023)

The Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest showcases the latest contents uploaded in the FFKP to provide its readers with relevant and up to date information on family farming main themes such as agroecology, smallscale fisheries, pastoralism, indigenous people, and more.
2023 - Family Farming Knowledge Platform FFKP

Статья в блоге
Inspirational ideas: Smart barn makes for happy pigs

Innovative barn infrastructure and real-time monitoring to improve animal welfare and reduce ammonia emissions.
Consumers are calling for more affordable, sustainable pork which is produced in improved animal welfare systems. This was the context identified by the Dutch Operational Group ‘Data driven project’. The partners have developed a pilot barn concept in which the pigs are monitored in real time using ear-tag sensors so...
European Union
2023 - EU CAP Network, Eip Agri

Газетная статья
Accounting for diversity while assessing sustainability: insights from the Walloon bovine sectors

Livestock production is confronted with significant challenges across all dimensions of sustainability. There is an urgent need to identify sustainable livestock systems that are environmentally friendly, economically viable for farmers, and socially acceptable. To this end, diversity assessments and data-driven indicator-based sustainability assessments can be helpful tools. These two mutually...

Herbal medicine against foot rot in livestock

Foot rot is a frequent disease that affects the hooves of cattle, sheep and goats and makes animals limp. Foot rot is caused by bacteria that enter the soft tissue of the hooves through wounds and cuts in the skin, which may have been caused by thorns or small stones....
2023 - Access Agriculture

Статья в блоге
Journée d’étude 2023 - Retour sur la journée d’études IRAM : Enjeux et défis de la cohésion sociale et du développement économique en République centrafricaine

Le 8 février 2023, l’Iram, l’ONG Echelle Appui au développement et l’Université de Bangui ont organisé une Journée d’étude sur le thème du "Développement économique et cohésion sociale en République centrafricaine". Celle-ci a permis de rassembler une soixantaine de participants, au centre international Galaxy à Bangui.  La Journée d’études avait pour...

Avances y desafíos en la ganadería de América Latina y el Caribe Medidas de mitigación apropiadas para cada país

Medidas de mitigación apropiadas para cada país
Este documento tiene como objetivo presentar los avances generales alcanzados en el desarrollo e implementación de las medidas de mitigación apropiadas para cada país ganaderas en América Latina y el Caribe hasta el año 2022, así como identificar las principales necesidades y requerimientos de los países en temas de mitigación...
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Diversity of Animal Genetic Resources

More than 2,400 livestock breeds are at risk of extinction, while 600 are already extinct, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). If managed sustainably, this diversity can be used to increase production and allow livestock to adapt to challenges such as climate change. FAO's Intergovernmental Technical Working Group...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

'Hoofprints on the Land' and why we need livestock in the landscape!

'Hoofprints on the Land' and why we need livestock in the landscape! The views and opinions expressed in this video are those of the presenter and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR).
2023 - CAWR Coventry University

Family Farming in Spain 2023 Yearbook

Agriculture and livestock facing the challenge of climate change. Innovation and entrepreneurship for sustainable progress
In 1994, UPA began the adventure of publishing a Yearbook of Family Farming. The objective was simple, although ambitious: to collect in an annual work the main data, ideas and proposals of this production model, which in the Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers we have defended since our origin. Now,...
2023 - Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers of Spain - Unión de Pequeños Agricultores y Ganaderos (UPA)

Analyse des trajectoires des politiques et du droit foncier agropastoral en Afrique de l’Ouest

Cette publication rend compte des trajectoires contrastées des politiques de sécurisation du foncier pastoral en Afrique de l’Ouest.  Il est courant de souligner qu’en Afrique de l’Ouest, la question du « foncier pastoral » est fréquemment au cœur de l’actualité notamment à travers la fréquence des conflits agro-pastoraux souvent meurtriers,...
2023 - Comité technique « Foncier & développement »

Статья в блоге
Fortifying veterinary training in fighting antimicrobial resistance

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has announced its commitment to assess the competence of veterinary graduates in the field of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and antimicrobial stewardship in selected countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia. This initiative is part of the project “Reducing the...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN FAO

Статья информационного бюллетеня
UNESCO nomination of Swedish and Norwegian summer-mountain farming and pastoralism

Summer farming at fäbod and seter – knowledge, traditions and practices related to grazing of outlying lands and artisan food production” to the UNESCO Representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity
The gouverments in Sweden and Norway have nominated the "Summer farming at fäbod andseter – knowledge, traditions and practices related to grazing of outlying lands and artisan food production” to the UNESCO Representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity There are now only 750 active summer- mountain frams in...
2023 - Norsk seterkultur

OK-Net EcoFeed

The overall aim of OK-Net EcoFeed is to help farmers, breeders and the organic feed processing industry in achieving the goal of 100% use of organic and regional feed for monogastrics, in particular pigs, broilers, laying hens and parents of broilers and laying hens. In the last two decades, the market...
2023 - IFOAM EU
Total results:1174